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Everything posted by Simon

  1. It would be if it wasn't bullspit. I'll actually do about 80% of the driving because I want to get there before our sun becomes a red giant.
  2. Well my wife will drive while I drink beer and talk to the dog.... But yeah, I am not monkeying around with any air travel right now.
  3. Gov Wolf just declared a statewide shutdown on non-essential business for two weeks. Nothing about people staying at home. In a few hours I'm leaving for a spontaneous vacation in Bama, Fla and Georgia; this could get interesting.
  4. The first thing a school does is to create a current and comprehensive list of students who either a) do not have internet access in the home or b) do not have a device to utilize that internet access. Then every teacher who has any of those students in one of their classes is working on an alternative method to sustain the educational process while the shutdown is in effect, this typically being some sort of educational packet which students will work through at home. And I don't know if this will be the case for all districts, but I know in our local district (Western PA) that even if the kids are not there, it has already been planned that all staff will continue to be at the school all day on every weekday to maintain continuity and be available for any unforeseen circumstances that may pop up.
  5. That's not really fair. I think they could be competitive by finding 3 more forwards....
  6. I like Les Stroud cuz he's the only one of those guys that would ever go out there really solo and do his thing. If he had shore lunch it was with twigs and bark; those other pretenders had a film crew that brought the stuff I'd use ; - )
  7. With the pike, the issue isn't so much with the meat as it is with it being a pain in the arse to clean. The fillet is good eating, it just takes some knowledge and extra work to cut it properly. That Y-bone is annoying af. Bass can actually be pretty good early in the year if you catch them in clean, moving water. I've fried it right on the bank with shore lunch and had it come out very tasty. But yeah, if you wait until the weather warms up (after March/April) it gets pretty mushy and gross.
  8. Thanks for all the insights and information in this thread, Hap. 'Preciate it when the informed take the time to contribute. Things may be quieter if you decided to only listen to half the voices in your head.
  9. If this kid ever tries to step on ballfield again I hope one of his teammates tackles him.
  10. To add a third point to the two good ones you've already made, any rookie they bring in this year is not likely to pick up all of this offense quickly enough to be truly effective in it. I agree they need to grab a kid in this WR deep draft, but if you want to help Josh short-term, you'd be wise to also bring another veteran on board next year.
  11. I remember coke on airplanes before 9/11. And that's all I have to say about that.......
  12. Nobody "likes" standing in a line either but they don't assume that everybody else in the line is a a terrible person because of it. And if a pretty girl in a low cut blouse reclined in front of you I bet your definition of like would change with startling speed. I'm just saying that assuming that every other person thinks exactly like you do inevitably leads to problems all around. Shock is probably too strong a word, but I've definitely been surprised to see how fired up people are about it. I don't have to travel for work and I like to drive across the US at least once every year so I am rarely even on planes. It's probably been 10 years since I flew and having the seat reclined in front of me didn't seem like an exceptionally heavy burden to bear at that time; maybe it's different now. I guess I sort of assumed it was another manifestation of a culture where folks seem to be looking for reasons to be an aggrieved victim. Or maybe seating space has shrunk so much as airlines worship at the altar of the almighty dollar that folks are too worried about the effects to bother addressing the cause. Either way, we are pretty much ###### as a culture and a country.
  13. You're operating under a very false assumption. I couldn't care less if somebody in front of me puts their seat back and there appears to be several folks in this thread who feel the same way. Until recently I had always operated under the assumption that nobody cared if I put my seat back because I didn't care if the person in front of me did it. So the "do unto others" approach does not work here because different folks have different views on what they view as intolerable.
  14. I'd say that by that point, they've pretty much arrived due to 1) most of them having matured enough to sustain a greater level of self-control 2) the fact that college attendance tends to weed out those who aren't ready and 3) they're likely dealing with a more diverse population (particularly on their new teams) It's a laudable goal. That being said, some of those guys make way better nose tackles than they do neighbors.
  15. Oh, I've got a million of them. It was an amateur league in PA filled by guys who were either not good enough to play pro ball, too old to play pro ball any more, or behind bars too often to play in college. We were the reincarnation of the 1976 Oakland Raiders. I literally cannot count the number of times I'd be looking for one of our defensive starters during a Sunday morning pregame only to be told he'd been hauled off back to jail on Friday night. They were a pack of occasionally dangerous lunatics, but by god they were funny. I'm more prone to believe it happened at a level where the players involved were younger and maybe hadn't developed a certain level of understanding and self-control, your daughters school being a prime example. But with older players that's just such a no-go zone that I really have a hard time buying Garret's story.
  16. I didn't put my spikes away until I was almost 40 and in all those years I only ever heard one white guy drop an N-bomb on somebody. That guy got cracked on the head by one of his own teammates (who were all white guys) and never played another game for that club again. The funny thing about it was that he said it to to my Mike 'backer whose response was "I'm not even black, I'm Hawaiian you dumb #uck" Which was perfect cuz the entire defense (which was all black guys except me and the Mike) started howling and it instantly defused a dangerous situation.
  17. Believe it or not I actually considered that when I was typing and I almost left it lowercase just to create a bit of doubt in people's minds. Nice catch..... And to keep it on topic...
  18. Both the eyes and the buttons are actually shot glasses I grabbed off the downstairs bar and the hat was commandeered from a Mexican cantina where I may have enjoyed one too many Patrons ; - ) The more salient issue is what the hell kind of old fart whose kids are long grown and gone still goes out in the yard with only a dog and builds snowmen for fun? And to keep things on topic, Stella is one hardcore hiking hound
  19. http://www.deepskywatch.com/Articles/Starlink-sky-simulation.html
  20. I am really not in favor of stopping the game and dragging somebody into a tent every time a guy tries to draw a flag for a second.
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