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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Who that be whippin on Leslie Frazier right now : - 0 That guy can coach it....
  2. It's definitely a subject that SDS and the mods have been poring over for some time in search of a solution. We clearly haven't found it yet, whether that's because we haven't struck upon it yet or whether no perfect solution exists is debatable in itself. From my perspective, this board remains civil precisely because it remains free of politics and I'd like to see that standard maintained. As for moderating PPP, the difficulty of finding a moderator who is both neutral and masochistic enough to take on that task is nigh impossible. I have no desire to subject myself to that abuse nor would I ask anybody else to do so at this point in our country's de-evolution. Our society has become so divided by our politicians, our media and our people that it may not be feasible to even have a political discussion that remains civil. If that's the case, then a civil PPP board is a pipe dream, moderated or not. We'll keep hashing it out among the mods in hopes that a reasonable solution presents itself. In the meantime, I would second the suggestion from DFT that the ignore feature is a very valuable tool if used wisely. Fwiw, that will be my only comment on the subject here as I have no desire to take a thread about such a well-respected woman off the rails.
  3. If you'd like to discuss the political implications of this, take it to PPP. It does not belong anywhere else.
  4. There's nothing likely or unlikely about it; it is what it is and that was a called option play. It was specifically designed for Jackson to execute a pitch out when he couldn't advance the ball any more himself. Ingram maintained his pitch angle all the way down the field like he should have but wasn't ready for it because Jackson's an alien and didn't make the pitch until he was 4" off the ground. They'll call that up several more times this year and from now on Ingram won't relax on it until he's halfway back to the huddle.
  5. Her full name is Stella Artois Luna Blue ; - )
  6. Carlton? We have a golden named Stella. My guess for what you're thinking is Christie
  7. Great read as always, man. I would only differ with you by not including that shot to Knox among Allen's list of errors. Never saw a replay but I thought at the time that he had damned near uncorked an Aaron Rodgers type throw. Wasn't he was flushed by pressure, on a hard sprintout to his left and had to shoot it 30+ yrds to a TE who didn't manage to move more than 2 feet to get a hand on it? I thought it was only about 20" from being the kind of rip that people talk about til Wednesday.
  8. I don't know what you want me to explain, if I remember right it was a pretty standard speed option call. The only things out of the ordinary about it were that a) you don't see it often in the NFL and b) I think it had a wrinkle where they motioned the X back across to disguise the action and hold the back 7 in place and it worked like a charm. An option play doesn't end at the LOS, the back maintains his pitch relationship all the way down the field, which he did. He just wasn't ready for the pitch when it finally came.
  9. It was not the same type of play at all. That was a designed option from the moment the ball was snapped and it was the RB's fault for not being ready. If he had been executing properly, he probably would have scored.
  10. I disagree. The Free was on his way with a good angle and if Allen lays it up there the safety possibly runs it down and breaks it up. When a defense offers you 30 yards, you take it.
  11. And don't just accept anything you hear either. I know that whoever was calling that game said something about Beasley having a chance to take that to the house but that simply was not going to happen. The Jets had dropped into two deep and the Free was already closing on Beasley when Allen let it go. The safety was on his way and had the angle and if Josh hangs that thing out there, there's a better chance the safety closes on it than anything else. Taking the 30yrds that were available was exactly the right thing to do.
  12. My dog read that and wants me to ask you where you live cuz she cant type.
  13. He's actually the one that flushed Darnold and forced the bad throw that turned into a pick for Milano. The Jets were throwing extra meat at him all day and it didn't matter; he was dragging people into the backfield with him. That's one bad mf'in cowboy.....
  14. This is not true. When he's a ball carrier those protections disappear and you can bust him up all you like.
  15. The difference is that those guys are RB's as much as they are QB's. Murray might turn into a legitimate NFL QB with the benefit of time but neither Jackson nor Newton are scaring anybody with their ability to see the field and deliver the ball on time.
  16. I'm still stunned by this franchise's cavalier attitude toward protecting their young franchise QB. This has been an ongoing issue since the Bills drafted him, whether it's throwing him out there behind an historically inept OLine, surrounding him with smurf WR's and no legitimate TE's or calling up plays that put him in harms way over and over and over again. You don't get players like this at the QB position very often (hell it took us a quarter of a century to replace Jim Kelly) and when you do you make sure you keep them healthy and put them into position to succeed. For the first time in his career Josh Allen has a legitimate NFL offense around him but they still seem intent on piling up hits on this kid at an unsustainable pace. This is the best team the Bill have put on the field in 25 years and it is all going to go to waste if Josh Allen gets hurt. Daboll is clearly incapable of controlling himself on Sundays so imo it falls unto McDermott to do it for him. He needs to grab his OC by the earlobe and drag him into his office tomorrow morning and tell him to tone it down with the read option nonsense. Allen has a propensity to take off and make plays with his feet if he doesn't like what he sees downfield, and that is fine. But it also means he's going to take plenty of shots over the course of the season and the last thing Daboll should be doing is adding to that butcher's bill with a bunch of designed QB carries. I don't care if it's an advantageous matchup, if they continue to rely on it, it will eventually cost them what should be their best year in decades. Just tell him he gets two calls a game where he can use Allen as a ball-carrying option and that's it. There's enough talent on this offense to move the chains in other ways; don't rely on doing it in a manner that's eventually going to end your season.
  17. At what point does McDermott become culpable for not telling Daboll to stop putting the key to his entire season in repeated danger with a 21-0 lead?
  18. My tolerance for people turning any thread into a Covid thread is rapidly waning, particularly when it comes to repeat offenders. Boater, JaCrispy, Riot Act, etc, if you want to discuss masks and pandemics, go to one of the several threads on OTW. Stop polluting threads on the main board with it. P.S. I will be deleting any responses to this post in an effort to keep it on-topic, so if you need to say something about it, PM me and leave this thread alone.
  19. Congratulations on having the length of your suspension doubled yet again. Keep it up and every account you attempt to make will be permanently removed in addition to your "original" one.
  20. TRNP in North Dakota mid-July Sawtooths in Idaho in late July Mt Rainier in early August North Cascades in mid August All systems are still a hopeful go at this point. Will be driving the truck out then camping and backpacking so social distancing is not an issue.
  21. [This is an automated response] This topic is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed. Thank you.
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