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Everything posted by Simon

  1. "a player initiates a block in which he is moving toward or parallel to his own end line and makes forcible contact to his opponent with his helmet, forearm, or shoulder" They've been calling it for a couple years to minimize concussions and whether we like or not that was a penalty on McKenzie
  2. I thought he was just making sure it stayed away from teh corner. Staying safe on that down wasn't a bad play
  3. good thing they're not the only two guys in the stadium....
  4. Id like to see more too, but that wasn't the worst place to be cautious. Although they were around the 30 with 1:30 left and and tried to jam it off-tackle; they could have been a little more adventurous on that call.
  5. feels like that a little bit but a 10 pnt halftime lead on a team you think you can control the rest of the way is a pretty good bird the in hand
  6. they've been calling it up for a oucple years now its all about whether you intiiate contact with your shoulder, forearm, head, etc
  7. I think this team can score in under a minute from anywhere on the field
  8. you just cant initiate contact coming from the outside liek that and McKenzie lunged into him with a shoulder so it became a penalty
  9. you can stand there and get run over but you cant stick a shoulder in him coming from outside
  10. Bogo was playing wiht him a little by teeing it up both guys were laughing
  11. he came in and stuck a shoulder into him; youre not allowed to do that any more they will call it every single time they see it
  12. they missed a holdign call on the edge anyway it all sqaures out
  13. If the OLine can take advantage of a Miami D that has got to start dropping into zones, a running game could make this team really really hard to deal with going forward
  14. Im pretty sure Dodson also made another play while the cameras were out on 1st down Tough to know for sure when you're slouched in a chair with your neck craned at 90 degrees to the right I cant be the only one who was doing that right?
  15. Heide Roethlisberger does have that Teutonic guttural ring to it
  16. Props to CBS! That was awesome not having to see a phish TD
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