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Everything posted by Simon

  1. wow Josh Allen is becoming a pros pro right before our eyes
  2. both tackles were collapsing on him and he slipped on the tireturf right whenhe was trying to set
  3. I thought he stepped into multiple throws last week with guys closing on him right in his face. I think he likes it.
  4. If you can stay calm instead of running and screaming it will end up being one of the cooler things you ever get to see. Try it if you ever get a chance; they're not actually dangerous, so you've got nothing to lose (except maybe a pair of clean underwear ; - )
  5. Actually, I do sort of have a way with most critters. I probably get along with many animals better than I do some people. I'm kind of weird
  6. Yeah, more than once. One time I even managed to approach a group (1 huge momma and 4 yearlings) slowly and calmly enough and sat down about 50-75' from her that she actually let me hang around and watch them for about 5-10 minutes before she finally led her kiddos away. If she would have huffed at me I'd have given her more space, but she didn't and it was a really cool experience.
  7. It is not true regardless of what internet nonsense you may have read. No bear wants a fight, they want to be left alone. Polar bears are dangerous and in very rare, specific circumstances some brown bears may consider you a food source, but they are not interested in slowly killing you or eating you alive. 🤭 As for black bears, they are about as dangerous as a racoon. The reason you rarely see them is that they are absolutely terrified of huge bipedal humans and will almost always run away well before you even knew they were there. I ran into a habituated black bear just after sunset while I was by myself hiking in the Smokies one time. He followed me for 10-15 minutes until I finally turned around and went right at him. He took off at that point but he did have me ready to jam a hickory walking stick right down his snout.
  8. I spend a lot of time hiking and camping and have seen 8 black bear so far this year, 5 of them very close as I was downwind and quiet. None of this is even remotely true. 😄
  9. That's why they they should do it more often. Unlimited crowd noise with announcers having a decibel limit of 50 sounds about right.
  10. Holy schnikes, man. I'm going to go mulch my garage right now. Glad your good luck outweighed your bad luck.
  11. Oh, I'm asking. You can ignore me and I won't inquire further, but you wouldn't respect me if I didn't try.....
  12. If they can keep him calm, I think he will be OK in those big games. Being a year older has clearly helped with that aspect and I only expect it to get better moving forward.
  13. About :30 into that clip, when JA and JB are celebrating. Do those two little scamps share a toke and a shot ? - )
  14. You're killing me today. Maybe it was the early buzz, but Braided Ben in edelweiss had me in tears for about 3 minutes.
  15. It happens. I've never seen it called on a trap. I've only seen it called on a guy who was lined up outside and was cracking back(even above the waist now). And in that case, it's getting called every time I see it.
  16. He was definitely moving forward. Until he stopped and then lunged sideways and along the LOS into the defender. When he lunged into the block he was moving "parallel to his own end line".
  17. Yeah, it's mind-blowing to me how some of you can't see the obvious. And I already made the Frank Wychek joke earlier but I'm not sure anybody got it 🤷‍♂️
  18. The key is you cant "initiate" "forcible" contact with your shoulder, forearm, helmet, etc. You can get in his way, you can ride him, you can redirect him you can go down in a tangle of legs with him, but if you pop a guy coming across the field you are going to get flagged. The reason the rule now exists is that it's a treacherous area as far as taking concussions (whether its the actual contact, hitting the turf or even the whiplash)
  19. Before, you were just wrong about a call that they have been making consistently for two years. Suggesting there is no risk of injury in that scenario has taken you into a stratosphere about which I will reserve comment. Permanently. Enjoy the season.
  20. He was until he came to a dead stop and then used his shoulder to lunge into the defender parallel to the LOS. That was the point where it became a penalty. Yeah I thought the Ford call was horsespit as Ford did not initiate any forcible contact regardless of angle.
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