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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Just wanted to give Gabe Davis his propers for the work he put in (and I mean work) on that 4th and 9 play that saved the day today. The corner got a great jam on him and if he had allowed himself to be redirected in that instant, the pass falls incomplete anyways, the flag never comes out and the Bills take a brutal loss. Instead he fought like a goddamned tiger all the way through the route, gave the DB more than he was ready to handle and drew a huuuge penalty that actually changed the W/L column. That killer effort was the only reason the side judge threw that flag (or maybe because he knew he had blown the call on the Kroft non-INT and was subconsciously looking for a place to square it up ; - ) Most young players are not so proactive in big moments like that and would panic and try to alter their route, but the fact that Davis' natural instinct was to fight like hell when it was all on the line bodes very, very well for his future in this league. It's not something you're going to see talked about on highlight shows, on message boards or on radio programs but it is absolutely something that gets noticed in the locker room where it counts. So congrats Gabriel on another great day and for continuing to earn the respect of both your teammates and your opponents (but mostly your teammates, cuz **** your opponents). Keep it up and they'll be throwing love and money at you before you know it.
  2. Gotta give a nod to Nsheke for coming in cold under heavy pressure and carrying us home.
  3. Nothing weird with his right shoulder? That's what had me worried.
  4. Yeah if you're going to call it, I'd have called it contact also. I didn't think the ball was in the air when he disengaged.
  5. It typically only results in an injury when a guy gets collared from behind AND the defender lands on his legs. I just don't like seeing it called when a defender is fighting off a block and lunges out to get a piece of whatever he can and it turns out to be the back of jersey. It's not all that dangerous of a play if you aren't intentionally trying to hurt people like Williams (and eventually others) was when they outlawed it. It's not a hill I'm willing to die on though.
  6. I just don't think it's a particularly dangerous play when the guy getting dragged down is almost stationary. But in the interests of consistency, yeah it should probably be a penalty everywhere or nowhere.
  7. It's probably where he has belonged since he was drafted. I can see him settling there and having a solid career.
  8. In the tackle box, guys aren't running top speed with full strides, which is where the knee injuries always occurred on those tackles. If anybody can find a single instance of a guy getting hurt by a horsecollar inside the tackle box I will sand corrected, but I cant think of one right now.
  9. I think it's hilarious that the side judge that called the last PI is also the guy who blew the initial call on the INT they didn't overturn. (I think it was him and not the back judge) I can't help but wonder if he was looking for a place to even things up.....
  10. Eat your vegetables and get ready for a deep run, my man!
  11. Its really only dangerous if a guy is sprinting with full strides; that's when you can end up cranking backwards on your knee. Defenders were even starting to use it as a strategy to hurt skill players when they didn't have to; thats why it got outlawed
  12. Did he ever make it back on the field? Hoping it was just a burner but that was an awful lot of weight to crash down on the big man's collarbone. Those would be some big shoes to fill.
  13. It looks like another touchdown just like the first one with minimal time left go stalk somebody else, hot take
  14. he came down with all his weight right on his collarbone it is what it is
  15. Says the guy who just said: This loss could ruin the season, thanks to bs call
  16. that was an atrocious replay decision that should cost a guy his job
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