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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I don't recall being tuned in enough to pick up on that kind of pattern last year. It just struck me as intuitive that a young QB would benefit from processing complicated information in a somewhat quieter environment. If he was better on the road last year, I don't know what would explain that. Maybe pushing too hard and trying to do too much in front of the home crowd? That makes so much sense in response to my suggestion that I will go ahead and give it the response it deserves:
  2. I think that's exactly what it was about. They seem willing to move guys in and out at the same position depending on matchups. I'm looking for them to be doing something tactically similar in regards to Epenesa and Trent Murphy going forward.
  3. I don't. I think crowd noise as a motivational factor is wildly overrated. But as a distraction for QB's who are trying to think clearly, it can be really detrimental.
  4. I think they've got the best shot to go 16-0 that I've seen in a long time.
  5. Someday I hope somebody spills the beans about which magic word(s) Josh dropped on the chief zebra. I wonder if he's got a little Jim Schoenfeld hiding somewhere in his DNA.
  6. Yeah, I've been meaning to start a thread about that the last couple weeks. I think the lack of crowd noise and distractions has helped keep him calmer and been really beneficial to his development this year.
  7. Yep, might be the two best football teams in the world right now.
  8. He does this so often (I think twice a game I have to deny my instinct to jump through the TV screen and chop his wrist) that we should come up with a short catchphrase for it. Uh-oh, he's Dangling the Lure again! There's The Tuna Loaf...... No Orca Calls today, Josh.
  9. Just a reminder that this is a thread on the message board about Bills football games. Not about Covid, not about the governor, not about state policies and certainly not about politics.
  10. The players have absolutely come out of halftime with no edge this year, probably because they have been dominating teams in the first half so far. Today I even commented in the game thread during the first possession of the 3rd qrtr how much half-stepping was going on out there with the defense. I'm seeing the same thing as you and there's not a whole lot a coach can do about it; at this level you cant' waste time coaching effort. These guys need to come together and hold each other accountable.
  11. I must have been grabbing a beverage and missed it. I'll guess he flashed an arm out to yank somebody else's man while he was already engaged with his own, since that was his MO for half the afternoon. 🤭
  12. Yes it was; he's got a unique knack for finding seams and getting every yard he can out of them. Good to see you again!
  13. Mitch Morse. He was holding all day and I don't know that he got caught once!
  14. Dude is a serious baller. I swear he is open on almost every down.
  15. He only missed a series or two and then came back
  16. How about that rope he strung out to Beasley down the other sideline. Geebus can he sling it sometimes.
  17. Yeah, he's a natural ballplayer and obviously a very quick study. I don't know that there's a dime in the NFL that is going to be able to handle him.
  18. The late Kroft TD almost made me jump through a 2nd story window but I think my favorite play was earlier when Daboll called up the option, Josh showed it to the defender then took it away and then finished the run with a 6'5" 240lb spin move. My wife came into the room just to see what the hell I was laughing maniacally at. Edit: Does anybody happen to have video of that? I would very much like to watch that again.
  19. The first thing that popped into my head was an NHL winger who draws a holding penalty by keeping his feet moving.
  20. That was actually the 2nd and 8/9 play in the first quarter that prompted me to type this in the game day thread: "wow Josh Allen is becoming a pros pro right before our eyes"
  21. I never watch XP's but happened to see one today and noticed he was kicking from the left hash. Has he been doing that all year or did they have him mover over after he'd already scraped all the paint off the right goalpost?
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