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Everything posted by Simon

  1. it is to some degree. But gameplans on both sides of the ball were absolutely gutless
  2. do you go surprise onside at this point? You aint stopping anybody with that front 7.
  3. Got me pinned inside the 10. Just have to hope we can hold them to a FG here.
  4. Coming into the year, I thought the biggest problem that the abbreviated schedule would cause for clubs would be issues with special teams. You can't run skeletons drills with it, you need entire units working together repeatedly under live fire conditions to get it right, and that was not an option this offseason. Before I would put the option of firing people on the table, I would first look around the rest of the league and see if the same issues are plaguing other franchises.
  5. The season he held out in P'burgh, he was telling people it was because they were going to give him the ball too much and he wanted to protect his future value. If he'd have tried to come back into the locker room after that nonsense, Pouncey probably would have beat his ass.
  6. One of his primary complaints in Pittsburgh was that they gave him the ball too much. That was pretty much the moment I became convinced I wouldn't want him in a Bills uniform even if he paid for his own gas.
  7. He just got his ass benched for losing contain for about the 5th time tonight
  8. No freaking doubt. He was getting no help from his WR's, no help from his OLine, no help from his coaches, and no help from his defense and he still found a way to grind it down the field to tie this game single-handedly
  9. Don't worry, I imagine they'll be hosting a super bowl soon. You can catch them then.
  10. Closed by request of the OP
  11. I don't care what forum you're in, I'm not going to sit idly by while you make stuff up and tell lies about me. I would suggest you not continue the strategy any further.
  12. Levi is probably done as a starter, but he'll be a valuable guy to have around as an experienced player that you can use safely in spot duty. Glad he's OK; the way he came down looked like a hundred other ACL injuries we've seen.
  13. This is a non-story that is producing a ton of non-sense so I am going to lock it up. Feel free to start a thread about him missing practice with a sore back if you think its newsworthy.
  14. I'm not likely the only moderator who is tired of having to spend so much of my time cleaning up after people who think they don't have to follow the same guidelines as everybody else. For my part, I am rapidly approaching the point where I will be moving from a polite warning model to an automatic suspension model.
  15. You need more sugar. Make some chocolate milk, really heavy on the chocolate. You can even dump some extra sugar in it. Then take a mouthful and hold it until its warm before you drink it down. Repeat until you're no longer at death's door.
  16. It's a valid observation but I don't think it holds water. Every one of those teams was fatally flawed and anybody who was watching them on a weekly basis could easily see it. This group is a whole different animal. When you can score from any spot on the field in under a minute, all previous incarnations go right out the window. Not only is this the best team they've put on the field in 25 years, I don't think there's even a close second.
  17. When you're by yourself in the living room exclaiming out loud about multiple throws, you know your guy is zipping trip 20's all over the place.
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