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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah, seeing the Bills willingly feed him late was one of things that make you go hmmmm.....
  2. It'd be awful if the Bills had a clone of a very highly regarded long-time NFL OCoordinator
  3. I absolutely agree that it's definitely a big factor in being able to call what you want and pressure offenses. But the last couple weeks they had willingly foregone those opportunities when they had them. Sometimes when they get hit with a big play on the wrong blitz call they get gun-shy and start playing it too conservative.
  4. big props to Daboll on this drive Now don't do anythng too Dabolish
  5. strong oliver drove the double right into him and forced the misfire
  6. Well, that will put you right off your breakfast.....
  7. I think that happens a lot with Mahomes. He's really good at flirting with the LOS, enough so that he crosses up his OLine as often as he fools defenses. I wonder if stripes are slightly less inclined to drop that particular flag because of it.
  8. Yeah, that was where I was at also. In fact, I thought going onside after the score was also on the table since the chances of us recovering were probably about the same as that defense forcing a punt. 😔
  9. No update but a couple additions: I think [Ford] was actually hurt on the 3rd down play but could not get off the field and ended up stranded out there for the 4th down effort. The way they were manipulating his knee looked to me like a standard on-the-spot ACL diagnosis they do on the field. It also looked to me like Ford was not tolerating it well at all. 😔
  10. Every year when I close up camp, I scatter a bunch of cinnamon sticks around the crawlspace to keep the bats out. It does work.
  11. I know how the Raiders played them. We played them very similarly. We did not get a similar result. Because we are not the Raiders.
  12. Maybe they would have, but you're right that it's beside the point. I don't mind dyin, but at least let me get my boots on and get in the fight.
  13. It can never be your strength when they're standing on the sideline all day. Yea, I would rather roll the dice and attack opposing offenses even if it means weakening the integrity of your secondary at times. If they hit some big plays on us, so be it. We have an offense that can get points back in a hurry. But putting pressure on people also leads to mistakes and turnovers and I think it's a better alternative than sitting back and bleeding out while your offense watches from the sidelines.
  14. Yeah, and kept the strength of our team off the field most of the night. That's just nonsense all over. He's a mudder!
  15. Actually , he and McDermott drew up a very similar design. Unfortunately for them, we're not the freaking Raiders.
  16. Actually I hid it as soon as it was posted so as not to be breaking the rule. But thanks for being you
  17. The Bills coaching staff is afraid of their own shadows. They need to embrace the strengths and weaknesses of this roster and install schemes and call games accordingly. This is not a grind it out and limit possessions kind of football team. Attacking on both sides of the ball, even recklessly if necessary, plays to this team's strengths and tiptoeing around the field on both offense and defense plays to its weaknesses. They're not going to win a super bowl with this Front 7, but this roster can play with anybody if you give just them the chance to do so. Just unleash the galdanged hounds on both sides of the ball and see who can deal with it.
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