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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Because he has to jam his knuckle in his perineum. I'm guessing a previous comfort level would be an advantage there ; -)
  2. I haven't seen a Bills LB shed a block in about a month
  3. If he would just watch this film for LB's on blitzing, he would be! Yeah there was certainly some tactical contain going on out there today. Not necessarily a poor technique against a QB who is more legs than arm this week.
  4. Last week we came up with a new word for it: "Dabolish"
  5. Yeah, that's kind of the point I was trying to make but for some reason a couple of you took it as complaining when it was just an observation about how we should deal with it going forward. We've been gutted up the middle of the field with some suck-ass luck so at this point you just say "*** it" and damn the torpedoes.
  6. I don't know that anybody has actually seen it yet. Maybe somebody with the game recorded?
  7. That was the next guy I thought about, but with Morse being a couple years older and making all the line calls, I gave him 3rd place. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Yeah I was thinking the same exact thing to myself when he went out.
  9. That took the sails right out of my wind. I don't think I said 10 words the rest of the game. I think it also affected the rest of the Bills offense the remainder of the 1st half.
  10. Yeah, we don't have any problems with the Front 7 or the interior of the OLine going forward.
  11. Are you sure you don't want to mock me as "Jaraxxus" instead so you can pretend you have admirers?
  12. Aren't you embarrassed to be posting from two separate accounts just to try and draw attention to yourself?
  13. We had one in the middle of the 3rdqrtr inside our own 10 that really hurt and changed the scoreboard but I didn't really have any complaints about the offense. Just suggesting that playing nip/tuck games going forward is self-defeating so you might as well just go for it on both sides of the ball.
  14. This team is just eviscerated in the interior on both sides of the ball. Guys either at home, on the sideline or hurt and half-stepping. There is no way they can continue to steal wins this way. They won't ever actually be at full strength the rest of this year and I hope they coach accordingly. Overaggressive calls to pressure opposing offenses and defenses the best you can and be conscientious about protecting your blue chip QB.
  15. I wonder if they got a little pep talk from Morse at halftime. They were collectively stunned the rest of the half when he went out. I still am....
  16. Anybody else feel like they got the juice sucked out of em since Morse went out
  17. This is intent to injure and arguably more dangerous than Gronkowski's idiocy on Tre White You can call me a scumbag too, but if I woke up tomorrow and learned that Odell Beckham had lost both his Achilles in a ferret attack, I wouldn't shed a tear.
  18. Enjoy your rest, Scamp. You earned it......
  19. That's funny; the phrase 4th qrtr Jerry has popped into my head a few times this week. I think he might be on his last legs as an effective starting DE in this league but I can absolutely seeing him having the kind of season where he's not real noticeable for long stretches but suddenly starts making impact plays in the 4th qrtr of tight games.
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