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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah that was perfect production work how they caught him checking in to something else at just the right moment. I didn't know what it was when he was calling it, but it was clear he saw something reeeeeal juicy and was taking advantage.
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  3. I at least have to give him some credit for being crafty about it. A different official and he possibly gets away with it.
  4. He definitely is but that penalty he took when he got caught flat-footed with Beasley crossing his face was just crushing for Seattle.
  5. Huge props to the Bills coaching staff for calling a hyper-aggressive game today. That is their straightest path forward to winning with this roster and I'm pumped they seem to recognize it.
  6. I was hoping somebody would start a thread on him. The guy has been playing really really well all year. I'd have zero qualms about him sticking around as the Bills RT.
  7. I was in a redneck bar full of Broncos fans in rural Eastern Oregon for that one. That was an interesting hour
  8. That was one of the first I thought of. I think it was Schobel that wrecked Brady and it might also have been Lawyer Milloy's first game after we nabbed him from NE.
  9. My man, I think you have gone straight cray-cray. Bill Belichik's greatest strength is his ability to take away what you do best and force you into a game you don't play well, and he just spent Sunday bending every bit of his will toward getting inside Josh Allen's head and couldn't do so much as mess up the kid's hair. He called up about 30 different defenses, he was running zone dawgs, creeping DLineman, rolling varied coverages, twists up front and flooded zones in the back end and all Allen did was make good read after good read after good read. He checked out of bad matchups and into good ones that resulted in huge plays, he stood in and took big hits to make big plays, he threw tight ropes through swirling winds that were absolute dimes and he walked off the field a winner even with a gutted OLine, a gimpy Z receiver and the entire TE unit in absentia. Don't care about stats and don't care about highlights; that was a very smart, very tough performance from a 24 year old kid who looked like a 10 year vet with the greatest coach of all time personally gunning for him.
  10. I think you need to check the batteries in your sarcasm detector
  11. My original post actually just had a picture of them and said "There can be only one"
  12. <rechecks schedule> ....... <cancels appt with teef>
  13. The same thing happened to him that just happened to you
  14. Bingo. And with the constant shuffling the interior of the OLine has been dealing with (and will be going forward), co-ordinating it successfully is a huge problem.
  15. Morse's concussion put a pall on the entire day for me. I was amped before the game and fired up early on, really geeked to see the Pats* finally put down. Then when he went out, I was just done instantly; virtually no interest in what happened the rest of the day.
  16. Simon


    Today was a fine reward for your milestone. And very well-deserved.
  17. I'd say it doesn't look quite as bad on replay as it did live; I thought he'd been bounced again and was cussing until I saw the ball on the ground. I'd also say that was NOT the only time it happened this afternoon; he got taken for some rough rides today.
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