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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Cant wait til after the bye to hopefully start developing some continuity on the OLine.
  2. I got no problem with that, but it's like there's no real element of danger out there to create tension. I just think it makes it sort of boring; it's a lot more fun when the leaders could put up double on multiple holes, especially down that back stretch.
  3. Having a half dozen guys at 10 under or better takes all the spice out of this tournament, imo.
  4. One time I actually missed three games with a broken big toe because I stepped on one of my son's Legos in the dark.
  5. I was talking to myself during that game marveling at how thoughtful the Seahawks were to implement a gameplan that was so conducive to the Bills success. I haven't watched any replays but fwiw, in realtime I thought their approach to that matchup was inarguably stupid.
  6. No doubt. I think he's been almost as important an addition to this offense as Diggs has.
  7. If they even try it they won't stay in it for more than 2-3 series. I thought it was gut-bustingly hysterical during the first month of the season watching teams start games in man schemes and then utterly abandon even any pretense of it in the middle of the first qrtr.
  8. What are the odds that there's a significant and measurable degree of certainty that this bore the tone of a challenge?
  9. I just got a mug the size of my head (I have a big block head), filled it with milk and put sooooo much chocolate in it that I have to stir it after every drink to keep the syrup off the bottom. I'm also dipping lightly toasted white bread spread with too much real butter into it. There's so much moaning and lip-smacking coming out of the computer room my wife probably thinks I'm watching porn.
  10. I also look for there to be a lot of squawking around here when the Bills blitzers are emphasizing a contain technique like they employed against Cam Newton to move him off his spot but keep him moving parallel to the LOS. Not necessarily looking for sacks but defending the QB's legs and forcing him to make decisions and deliveries on the move and with only one eye.
  11. Phat Pat Williams was an UDFA. Possibly the baddest ass to ever don a Bills uniform.
  12. How would I know? I opened that video link and didn't hear a single musical instrument. 🤷‍♂️
  13. - Neil deGrasse Tyson Gotta love a picture and quote from deGrasse Tyson on Carl Sagan's birthday ; - )
  14. Yeah that was perfect production work how they caught him checking in to something else at just the right moment. I didn't know what it was when he was calling it, but it was clear he saw something reeeeeal juicy and was taking advantage.
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