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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Exactly. He was miked up that day and told his boys on the sideline that he was going to just clock it until he got up there and saw the situation. The way Allen finished the Cards game and has finished multiple others, I can see him pulling off something similar when he's a little older.
  2. I don't think he knew he was going to do it until he actually got to the line and saw the Dallas Dfront standing around. And he threw a couple sick dimes just to get them there in under 30 seconds. Here's the whole game-winning "drive"
  3. What balls and brains to come with that in a split second and then pull it off to win a game.
  4. Brett says "Touchdowns first", coach! 😁 Although oddly enough, in this case he passed up the free TD to Diggs. 🤷‍♂️
  5. One of my favorite quick thinking heads up plays ever: Stafford's fake spike call with the sneak that 21 other guys never saw coming
  6. The only thing that might have really made the difference is if Tre goes up with one hand instead of two, which is what you're supposed to do as a DB in a Hail Mary situation. It buys you a significant amount of additional height to deflect the ball and you can still have your other arm in position to rip a receivers arm out of his socket if you miss on the deflection. Although in this case it might not have worked because the Cards actually had a guy undefended on the two yard line waiting for a bounce.
  9. Yup, Josh blew the read on that one. And I bet Diggs wasn't happy about it. From the Gameday thread
  10. Sounds only slightly less stupid than wasting a first round pick on a K So for the majority of his teams, his FG% was better than Janikowski's? Good one. Actually, I'm not wasting my time arguing with you because you just come up with a bunch of immaterial stuff like this to convince yourself you're never wrong. Go trade infinite irrelevancies with Doc.
  11. Chan Gailey's offense isn't the same as it was last week, much less years ago. There wasn't one single thing in that article that would make me think it was a good pick. In Janikowski's 17 years in Oakland they won a grand total of 4 playoff games. In 17 years. A couple years after he was drafted they embarked on a losing streak that lasted 13 years in a row. The guy they drafted Janikowski to replace ended up having a 16 year career with a better XP% than Janikowski and a FG% that was virtually identical. Maybe if they had used that first round pick on an actual football player instead of a drunk kicker, they might have avoided being perennial losers for over a decade.
  12. I can't see that video so I don't know if it shows up there, but what he did to Patrick Peterson at the LOS on that TD catch was absolutely filthy. I really like Peterson but watching him calling for safety help from the slot had me laughing my ass off during the game. In the game thread I referred to it as an Allen Iverson route and I'm sticking with that.
  13. He's got no experience turning his hips He's got no experience tracking a ball He's got no experience establishing position He's got no experience timing a leap And some of y'all think that he's going to magically fly through the air to outduel a HOF caliber receiver at the peak of his abilities. It's so patently absurd that I can't believe it's being seriously discussed by otherwise seemingly rational human beings. Since that is as diplomatically as I can put it, I'm stepping out so you gents can continue enjoying your alternative reality uninterrupted.
  14. I've reached the point where I don't care if we see more production there. I just want them to stop being a net negative most weeks. Being invisible would be an improvement at this point.
  15. The Cards were playing a lot of pre-snap games in the Front7 and I think it was making Allen hesitant. Almost every single time he made a mistake it was the result of him holding the ball an extra half second. I appreciate his patience and don't mind him looking for big plays but more often than not I want to see him trusting his read and getting the ball out on time.
  16. I'd be OK with trying to bang the hell out of him for 8-10 yards and see if stripes has the stones to throw a flag for what would only be a 5yrd penalty and would still cost them 1 play on the clock.
  17. meh Needs more slugs to really set it off.
  18. That sort of strikes me as a bad time to experiment with a dubious strategy that has an infinitesimal chance of success.
  19. I'm not aware of it applying anywhere else outside of FG attempts.
  20. It's the leverage rule LEVERAGE (o) Jumping or standing on a teammate or opponent to block or attempt to block an opponent’s kick. (p) Placing a hand or hands on a teammate or opponent to gain additional height in the block or attempt to block an opponent’s kick. (q) Being picked up by a teammate in a block or an attempt to block an opponent’s kick.
  21. I don't know if it is illegal on a hail mary, but probably not.
  22. It's against the rules on a FG attempt. You can't use a teammate for leverage. And the reason it wouldn't work on a hail mary is because the ball is coming from 50 yrds away, you don't know exactly where it's heading and you'd essentially just be nullifying the presence of two defenders who would undoubtedly be out of position.
  23. Another thing that nobody has mentioned is that Murray getting that far outside there completely changed the delivery angle and put Poyer in a tougher position to defend it which is likely why he was late and a bit out of control.
  24. It's the only reason I can imagine that you would put that totally irrelevant post into a thread about Andre Roberts.
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