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Everything posted by Simon

  1. 3) He's going to play Sunday regardless of all the conspiracy loons chasing manufactured drama
  2. Having the interior of his OLine shredded should be at the top of that list, imo. Thank you for mentioning this. It was the first thing that popped into my head when reading the OP.
  3. Heck, that's nothing. Can you imagine being the sumbitch that traded away Brett Favre?! Now that's an Oops.
  4. I thought he took an inordinate amount of unnecessary grief at the end of his tenure in Miami. He was in a gawdawful situation with minimal help from his front office, coaches or teammates and imo acquitted himself pretty well. He wasn't lighting the world on fire but he wasn't hurting his team either. I was happy to see him leave the division because I thought he was a solid player with potential to be pretty good in a better situation.
  5. I think it may be the single greatest one year leap I have ever seen from any QB with any franchise.
  6. Yeah, the multiple fumbles were huge. But giving up 34 points to a guy who can't throw the ball 25 yards, yet who managed to stay on the field for 35+ minutes and limited Roger's opportunities is huge too.
  7. I'll never give a team grief for drafting a QB high because that's what makes offenses go, but I do agree that the Pack has done a poor job of creating a complete team around Rogers. And I don't mean giving him more weapons on offense; his ability to throw guys open and makes plays on the run covers a lot of warts on that side of the ball. I think it's tragic that GB has made such a cursory effort to build a good unit on the other side of the ball. You give a guy like that a defense who regularly gets to play with a lead and they become really difficult to beat in any kind of game you want to play. If the Pack had a solid defense, everybody would be walking around with a handful of rings right now. And as a side note, the years they wasted with that gutless putz McCarthy are as big a problem as anything they failed to do with their roster.
  8. Judging from the responses in this thread I would take the opposite tack and suggest that Levi Wallace is wildly overrated. If it wasn't for Taron Johnson, Wallace would be the #1 pigeon on this defense and he has been for a couple years now. Athletically, he's probably slightly below average compared to his peers at the position, but the biggest problem to me is that his technique is absolutely atrocious. maybe it's because he's regularly beat at the snap and is always struggling to recover, maybe he doesn't process information and react instantly like you need to at that position, or maybe his physical limitations put him at such a disadvantage that he can't execute properly in coverage; whichever the case, he simply has no business starting as a corner on an NFL defense.
  9. This is where I'm at also. Replay has been just awful for the NFL, not to mention all of the constant officiating conferences throughout a game. Between that and the constatnly increasing number of commercials I've been finding the NFL in general unwatchable the last few years. About 3 years ago I cancelled my NFL Sunday Ticket for the first time in almost 20 years and I haven't really missed it at all. When you let businessmen and lawyers start calling shots you can expect anything fun and interesting to be quickly pushed aside in the name of profit and uniformity. 😔
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  11. I disagreed with the decision but at that point you could still have gotten away with "we're trying to get better right now". Now he's got himself in a much more complicated situation.
  12. But are you also telling 50 other guys that one kid's development is more important to you than winning games right now?
  13. I've seen more offensive holding called today than I have all year combined. I gotta think a league memo went out this week.
  14. Watching him try to throw a football 20 yards is painful.
  15. Seriously? Not only does he not need an invitation, but he's already right here in this thread.
  16. Tua got benched. Probably for ineffectiveness but also possibly because his foot got rolled up on.
  17. The greatest chapter ever written about Captain Crunch
  18. I don't watch them often enough to really know, but from what I have seen out of that franchise recently I have a really hard time trusting that defense if it's not playing with a lead.
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