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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I swear he's using extra pts to practice his stroke for long FG. And it looks straight pure
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  3. Levi looked like the only one that played it right yesterday
  4. I had the same initial reaction to thinking Tre had just drawn a flag until the pocket rule popped into my head. And I never saw a replay anywhere either; that seems to be a common thread during games this year. Maybe somebody who recorded the game with one of those DVR thingamjigs can get a better look for us? It was a killer penalty on 3rd down. I will note that I loved Oliver's reaction to the back to back penalties. A lot of young players might hang their heads or complain or do something stupid. But Ed just shut up, nutted up and started making even more plays. That's good stuff right there.
  5. No, it says nothing at all about the pocket: When the passer goes outside the pocket area and either continues moving with the ball (without attempting to advance the ball as a runner) or throws while on the run, he loses the protection of the one-step rule provided for in (a) above, and the protection against a low hit provided for in (d) above You go ahead and stand by your opinion; it clearly carries more weight than the actual NFL rulebook
  6. Actually it says SOMETHING about being in the pocket. You got to love people who not only insist on being wrong, but can't even do their own homework and demand others do it for them. From the official NFL rulebook: When the passer goes outside the pocket area and either continues moving with the ball (without attempting to advance the ball as a runner) or throws while on the run, he loses the protection of the one-step rule provided for in (a) above, and the protection against a low hit provided for in (d) above
  7. When the QB leaves the pocket he loses the protection against low hits. Additionally the rule is against "hits", i.e. forcible contact. It's actually written in there that you can still tackle a QB low. You just can't hit him low when he's in the pocket.
  8. I think he was pissed because the Chargers D was playing to injure out there. In addition to the multiple shoves he got on the sideline on that drive, he was also very aware the Chargers defenders were loading up the chicken wing all day and going after guys' heads. Josh is a very nice young man, but I think he's also the kind of kid that will get genuinely pissed if you ***** with his guys. You smack him in the head and he'll smile and laugh at you; you smack Diggs in the head and he'll tear your throat out.
  9. There's probably some sort of weird psychology involved (whaddya think Hammersticks?) but I only tend to be destructive when I'm celebrating. A couple examples: > When we took that late lead right before the Music City Miracle I grabbed a 'puter chair and fired it so hard that it cartwheeled at least 30', out of the living room, all the way through the dining room and still flew into the kitchen moving so fast that it put a big dent in the fridge. > When Jim Kelly dove over the goalline on the last play of the game on that uncalled QB draw to beat the Dolphins I ran out of the living room onto the deck, right through a sliding screen door that ended up totally mangled. > On the Mayday goal I flipped a coffee table hard enough that one of the empty beer cans on it flew up and broke a bulb in the light fixture on the ceiling. The only time I can recall ever breaking anything in anger is tearing a remote in half once, at which point I was instantly madder at myself than at the game.
  10. The lack of continuity on the OLine has been killing us up the gut all year. At no point this season are we going to get our best 5 out there; the best we can hope for is being able to use the same lineup for a few weeks in a row. I was looking forward to that after the bye more than anything but the Ford news was a hard blow.
  11. He was at THE University. You seen him as a pro much? I haven't.
  12. I want another crack at you *****. Win or lose, it will be a real different ballgame.
  13. I was really impressed with Allen's ability to keep his mind right while things were falling apart around him multiple times throughout the game. Morse and Mongo were good again but outside that he wasn't getting a ton of help out there today. Yet he continued to stay cool and keep seeing the whole field and taking advantage of opportunities both before plays and during, while also keeping the mistakes to a minimum. If guys around him start executing at the level which he typically has been, this offense is going to be a nightmare to defend.
  14. He's so lost that he just spent the day making about 8-10 different big plays with his eyes and showing some of the best field vision of any QB in the league, leading the offense to a double digit win with no TE's and while both his OT's were having their worst game of the year and Winters was assembling a matador video compilation for a backup application to Bullfighting U.
  15. Best athletes on the field, but still only human. That guy was beat when Diggs broke his cushion and he made the best possible play he could possibly make just getting back into it. Frankly, I thought it was such a great play that I didn't really like the flag. But now we're just pickin nits aren't we? - )
  16. I'd be happy to look at it but you already said he didn't make the pick. Which is what I was saying; you just can't pull down interceptions trying to turn around at that speed. You can throw yourself into the trajectory of the throw with your hands waving around near the ball, but you're not going to pull it in.
  17. No chance at a pick. Trying to turn around, keep your feet and track a ball at that speed is just not a realistic option. You can do it if you're moving at 90% of top speed and under control, but selling out to a desperate sprint to try and close a gap on a guy at top speed, it just isn't in the cards.
  18. Not when half the secondary is keyed on him nearly every down. He might as well be wearing a bell for as much attention as he's getting.
  19. Absolutely. I said something last week about a memo that must have come from the league office because the way they're calling holding went from 0-60 in one week and just continued to be a point of emphasis this week in every game I watched.
  20. That snow game vs the Colts a while back seems like it could be a contender. We also had a game vs the Browns a few years ago where the combination of bad weather and two really bad teams resulted in some frighteningly bad offense.
  21. Once the QB bails out of the pocket he no longer has protection with that low tackle rule. I never saw a replay on the actual penalty against Oliver and considering what else went on out there today, I am not giving any stripes the benefit of the doubt after that brutal performance.
  22. No, I don't think so. He recognized that Davis was out there unchecked and if he could have found a way to get the ball out to him on the broken play, there is only one defender between him and paydirt. I thought it was just another example of Allen's fantastic field awareness throughout the day.
  23. Even just a legitimate NFL player would be a huge upgrade at this point. He's literally the only DT on this roster that should be taking regular snaps at this level. Unfortunately, with McDermott's insistence on a constant rotation, I don't expect the Bills to find a good partner for him because they seem inclined to devalue what I think is the most important position on the defense.
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