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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You know why they call him Stinky? Instead of monkeying around with his gear, he used to just piss his pants during games.
  2. I thought we caught a bigger break when Joe Haden got hurt
  3. I had a bunch of beer-swilling Stillers hooligans in my living room, all of whom have spent most of their lives playing or coaching ball, and they could not stopping talking about Williams. They were blown away by the seeming ease with which he just kept swallowing up Watt down after down after down. They said the guy had been virtually unlockable for the last two months and they hadn't seen anybody come even close to handling him like that. They were laughing at me before the game when I told them I was way more afraid of Heyward than anything they could bring off either edge. We are really really lucky; there are not many teams in the NFL that are putting a pair of Tackles like that out there on every down.
  4. It was just some guy losing a debate and getting really overwrought about it to the point he started cussing me out and at one point accused me of talking some kind of Shakespeare stuff at him. It was strange but in a desperately amusing way, and seeing me compared to the Bard cost AKC two monitors when he aspirated a quart of Irish coffee all over them.
  5. I'll take this opportunity to admit how wrong I was about him his first couple years here. He still makes me a little nervous in short zones but his game has developed far beyond where I thought it would ever go. I've been a Micah Hyde fan since the Pack started wisely using him at Safety, but I think Poyer has become an even better player at this point. I don't know that there is another combo in the league for which I'd trade these two right now.
  6. I've caught him prowling around a couple times the last few months. We tried to secure all the windows but it's hard to keep a good second story man down.
  7. That's a good read on it. Although the way the Bills were running to the ball on defense was no joke; there was some big league gang-tackling going on out there.
  8. In his time? Left by the wayside?! Ummm, it was just Jan 6, 2018 that Dick Lebeau won an NFL playoff game on the road with a Titans defense rotating a dozen guys you've never heard of. And he did it at 81 years old after nearly 60 years in the NFL just two playoffs ago. At no point in this man's life has football ever left him by the wayside. You should have more respect for one of the greatest men to have ever been involved in the sport at any level.
  9. I literally just did it less than a week ago. Shuffled out of a rural convenience store at 6:30am looking down at a newspaper, walked over to my black truck and glanced up to grab the door handle just to see a guy in the driver's seat of his pickup laughing at me. I just shook my head and walked around to my truck which was parked right next to his.
  10. He's certainly got some silk to work with, but Daboll is directly responsible for a sizeable chunk of points on the board this year. He's absolutely got a knack for drawing up particular route combinations that take advantage of opponents tendencies and and additional knack for calling them up at just the right down and distance where they're going to result in 6. That natural instinct is not an easy thing to replace.
  11. I wish there was some kind of a comprehensive resource available to the general public in which you could research this kind of basic information in the same amount of time it took to type that sentence.
  12. The Bills got absolutely stuffed on at least 4 short yardage situations where Moss typically would have been in the game but wasn't. Motor also took a holding penalty on a 3rd/goal where he shouldn't have even been on the field that likely cost the Bills 4 points. Not having Moss available hurt the team on multiple occasions.
  13. There was a goal to go situation after Hyde's pick where Moss should have been on the field and instead the Bills went backwards and settled for a FG. There were several short yardage downs throughout the game where they tried Motor and he couldn't get the yards that Moss likely would have. I think McDermott went too far to make a point and made his team less effective in the process.
  14. I don't know where to find those numbers but I was convinced last week that his snaps were not only going up, but that he was being used in key, late game situations way more than he ever had in his time here. I think he might be making a move up the depth chart, at least in the minds of his coaches.
  15. That was wildly overreactive on McDermott's part and one of the few times I'll give him grief for an in-game decision. You want to make a point and sit him for a couple series? OK, fine. Use it as a teaching moment. But Moss has a unique skillset among our backs and is the only guy we have that can drop his pad level to get tough extra yards. Whether it's goal to go or short yardage downs, Moss has become an integral part of this team that does a job that nobody else can do. There were multiple instances throughout that game where we could have really used him out there and McDermott gluing him to the bench for virtually the entire game accomplished nothing more than to hurt the rest of the team.
  16. Joe Haden took a shot in the head yesterday and is in concussion protocol. He is the Steelers best CB and there is no close second. If he's not back by Sunday it is a massive blow to the Stiller defense against every one of our offensive sets.
  17. Arguably my favorite play of the game: 5:00 left with a 17 pt lead and a 1st down inside our own 20. Do we jam it up inside for no gain just to make SF cook off a timeout? No! With a 17 pt lead and 5:00 to play, Allen drops into the pocket on 1st down looking to attack a defense that is crowding the LOS. That was just a beautiful moment that underscored how far this team has come and how dangerous they may turn out to be.
  18. Good grief, Tommy. By now, you must be on your 12th cuppa today ; - )
  19. Just a note that is was actually Moss on that play. McDermott had finally got down from his high horse and put him back on the field for a snap, only to see him get blown up 3 yrds in the backfield by a DT that beat Boettger to the spot.
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