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Everything posted by Simon

  1. If you ain't going to call it on Agholor for pushing off before, you don't get that flag out then.
  2. They're going to leave enough time for Fitz do do whichever thing he's going to do tonight Did Tua get yanked early or late?
  3. I literally just turned on 30 seconds before the Raiders scored Is Tua hurt or did he get yanked?
  4. This was the first time in 25 years that Christmas eve and morning took place without me being able to be with both my kiddos. I just got back from my son's house in Michigan after a 7hr drive through heavy lake effect across Northern Ohio and am now going to drive down to my daughter's place tomorrow. Of my 52 Christmas', this ranked 51st.
  5. That's OK Sonny, I understand. They're going to give me a ticket before you anyways!
  6. You made your point; let's not drive this thread over a cliff for no reason.
  7. This will be the 4th time we've tried to have a thread like this; in every other instance it ended up closed because certain posters had to go political or people had to start telling us about their COVID theories, etc. This will be the last try at it because I'm tired of babysitting, cleaning up, and dishing out suspensions so the onus is on you folks. I hope the 5th time's a charm.
  8. Cowher had arguably the best overall roster in the NFL for almost his entire career and continually found ways to lose to inferior teams year after year after year. Then when he did get his only title it was because Dick LeBeau won it for him with one of the most brilliant stretches of defensive coaching you'll ever see. Cowher may be a nice fella but he is probably the most overrated head coach I have ever seen.
  9. Please remember this is not a COVID or politics thread. Do not be the one who takes it there.
  10. I can't imagine what possibly might have happened to him on Nov 29th.....
  11. F*** Mitch, You got to snap the ball! ?
  12. I'm going to leave this topic open a little longer in hopes that people can enjoy it. But I just spent way too much of my personal free time on a Sunday afternoon cleaning up all the COVID crap, the insults, the mask arguments, etc etc, etc. So the next person who brings that garbage in here is going straight past warning points to an immediate suspension. If you can't control what you say, then keep your piehole shut, leave the thread and let others enjoy it. I will not ask again. And if you missed this warning because you just bypassed everything to get to the end of the thread to post your COVID opinion, you've got nobody else to blame for your suspension but yourself. Welcome home AFC East Champions!
  13. [This is an automated response] This topic is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed. Thank you.
  14. I'm about to close the thread anyways so no biggie. My issue isn't with a single thread or a single poster. My issue is that the board is being overrun with this nonsense; the last couple weeks it's gotten really out of hand. It's not an individual problem, I see it as more of a volume problem. I've been considering the idea for a while now and wanted to toss it out there to see what kind of response it got from the community; it appears to be pretty positive thus far. Maybe I will now run it by the other mods and see what they think. Then I'll have to decide what gets lumped in and what doesn't. Interesting analysis from guys like Simms and Baldinger deserve their own threads, but jabbering weenies like Nik Wright and Teddy Bruschi? Maybe not so much. But for now, I'm taking my dog for a nice long hike in some beautiful virgin powder down a peaceful piney creek with nothing but game tracks on the ground and fresh snow draped everywhere else, so I'm not going to give a flying stab at a rolling doughnut about y'all for the next few hours.
  15. My post was about the media and I suggest you stop lying about it.
  16. My comment was in reference to "media". I couldn't care less who made this thread or the 10 others that preceded it. I have been thinking about this for a couple weeks now. This board is more about quality than quantity. Considering your regular panic in game threads, I am approximately 15,000X more chill than you. So congratulations on getting every single thing in your post 100% wrong. That's a very impressive percentage.
  17. It's driving me up a freaking wall. I'm rapidly approaching the point where I'm going to start a Talking Heads thread and then just toss all these complaints about the media into it.
  18. No doubt. Those guys were fun to watch play ball but there were some genuine asshats in that locker room. I don't see any of that with this crew. I've been on a few ball teams and I typically don't get caught up in the starry-eyed hand-holding at a distance, but there is absolutely something very unique and genuine going on in that locker room. I hope those boys are appreciating it because it's a rare and wonderful experience.
  19. ooooohhhh, if he reads this you are in for a talking to.
  20. I wanted to like him because he reminds me of a guy I used to play with, but he just reminded me of why I usually have the sound turned down.
  21. I hope he does it again. I know people hate it but if you've got guys on the same page, that can change scoreboards.
  22. I hope. But I'm guessing it turns into a COVD debate and people start calling other folk morons and 14 yr olds again. 🤷‍♂️
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