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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Did you notice how long he kept his eyes on the post after he gave the safety that little pump? I swear he intentionally moved that safety with his eyes for almost a full second to keep him out of the third he knew he was going to lead Diggs into on the cross. He's not just reading it at this point, he's already progressed to that uncommon level where he's actively manipulating the field. It's a rare and beautiful treat to watch this incredible (and maybe even unprecedented) progression happening right in front of us every week.
  2. That strike to Knox early in the 2nd qrtr was my favorite of the game and showcased Allen's massive leap forward in a single play. Sell the inside handoff hard to hold both LB's, immediately move the safety out of the lane with his eyes and then a quick release 30yrd laser right on Knox's hands. It's a great example of the total command of the entire field he's been showing for a couple months now. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/what-an-arm-josh-allen-hits-dawson-knox-with-a-24-yard-strike-bills-at-patriots
  3. He's been really poor but he finally got a piece of the pie...
  4. He tried it last week too trying to get one to Nsheke. I agree he's going to take another shot with somebody next week. I see Barkley catching one.
  5. Boettger is still really struggling out there but the stability around him is covering a lot of mistakes.
  6. Quinton Jefferson just played his best game of the year.
  7. I made the mistake of listening to 5 seconds of that. I'm locking this thread in hopes of saving others from the experience.
  8. It's you and us in the AFC and nobody else matters right now.
  9. Maybe not like Meatball, but I'd be happy to give him a shot here. He might look good running behind Lee Smith.
  10. Nice cleanup but I think it was Butler who was the one that actually blew it all up
  11. Nobody is technically supposed to lead with their head (including ball carriers) but it's never getting called unless a guy is unprotected catching a pass. You'd have to call it 25 times a game otherwise.
  12. Cam's a runner at that point; he's no longer eligible for special protection
  13. Props to Hughes for laying off on a wide open shot on Newton on 2nd down. I don't know how he did it.
  14. Who is going to teach these online classes? Who is going to create the course material? Who is going to grade the work and provide feedback? Certainly not the teachers who are already teaching in-person classes and are already overwhelmed with more responsibilities than they have time. Are you going to simply find hundreds of thousands of qualified educators who are willing to work long hours for low pay and then compensate them with money that doesn't exist?
  15. Doesn't he have to pass all the way through the waiver order anyways?
  16. I got home in time to turn it on just seconds before the Agholor TD; that was fortunate timing. And that description makes him sound sort of like a Flutie. Aside from the fact I'd like to slap Flutie but have beers with Fitz.
  17. Allen started but Barkely came in and threw the ball like 40 times I think. They were trying to win even with nothing to play for.
  18. Yeah, that kind of scheming does not seem to be a large part of McDermott's DNA. You kick whoever's ass is in front of you and then worry about next week.
  19. The weird thing is it's the back judge's call both times and on that second he was pulling the flag before he even had time to mentally process that it was a penalty
  20. A 15 yrd penalty isn't really all that damaging if they don't complete a pass. It leaves them at midfield short of FG range with only time for one play and a QB who can't get it to the endzone from there. and that's if a ref even has the balls to call a DLineman for holding at that point.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if the DLine was told that penalties don't hurt much with seconds left and they were free to rip and pull anything they could get their hands on.
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