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Everything posted by Simon

  1. That's just stupid corner play from Norman. He was already in perfect position and knows they've been calling that off-arm for 4 years now. Dumb.
  2. Hiding in the locker room after Allen made him look stupid on 2nd down last series?
  3. I don't think he gives two turds about records and I doubt if he even knew he broke it when he did.
  4. I like this thread for a bunch of reasons: 1- I didn't now that about Allen; that's a great story. It might sound ridiculous but I bet it has a legitimate, positive effect on him. Your QB should have the calmest mind on the field and that's a great way to get your zenzone on before a game. 2- Pennies is my favorite Frank song and when I was young enough to have crying babes in arms it was my #1 go-to to sing to them when I walked the floor. 3- I love the fact that Allen has the self-awareness to recognize not only that keeping his mind calm is paramount to his success, but that he needed to find ways to get better at it and that he was smart enough to do it successfully. 4- He seems to have some pretty good taste in music. Suggestion: He should have some straight instrumental stuff sprinkled in there; no point in distracting yourself with ideas and thoughts in the form of lyrics. I'd go with some skilled and chilled jazz to dial in. How about some Boney James, Josh....
  5. Clemson just got 55 minutes of Big 10 football they haven't felt in a long time.
  6. Thank you for one of the greatest thread titles in the long history of this forum. 😂
  7. Yeah, that's the best one I've seen. I couldn't come up with anything better than Rich Gannon and that isn't even close.
  8. I don't think those were trainers. I think they were independently subcontracted disinformation technicians. Is anybody here a Doctor of Disinformation Technology who would be wiling to analyze their shoes and haircuts and tell us who those guys really were?
  9. I would expect that you would expect to have Beasley chew his own leg off instead of having it amputated.
  10. Just a heads up that warnings and multiple suspensions have been and will continue to be distributed for those who insist on bringing their politcs and COVID theories here. If you are too weak to control yourself, I'd suggest logging out.
  11. I'm not remotely pissed off or spouting off. I'm just trying to explain to you that these suggestions are not rooted in the reality of our school district. Perhaps the difference in perspective comes down to the fact that you teach at a private school in Orange County, CA and I'm talking about public school in rural Western Pennsyltucky. We don't have the infrastructure, the technology, the money or the freedom that you have. Trying to incorporate that kind of a model here (or in many parts of the US that are not Orange County, CA) is simply a non-starter.
  12. This is a logistic impossibility and bears no resemblance to reality This is irrelevant and the idea that "assignments" are the issue with a teacher trying to teach both live and online bears no resemblance to reality On the list of issues this ranks somewhere around 637th; suggesting it is the "biggest" issue bears no resemblance to reality.
  13. I'm in Pennsylvania. I'm also married to a long time science teacher and see how hard she works every day to make this happen for her kids. No offense, but your assumptions re: education simply do not bear any resemblance to reality.
  14. For all his athleticism, I think he still plays too high and stiff. I'm not really convinced that will ever change and have questions about the wisdom of paying him to play that position. After the bye Frazier was moving him around more and matching his responsibilities to his strengths. Last night they seemed to revert him to his role earlier in the season and he was awful. I'm wondering if the Bills are keeping some things in the bag these last couple weeks to limit film for playoff opponents.
  15. I thought the signs he showed last year were limited to his physical tools and his will. He hadn't shown a whole lot of capability to manage the field and adjust to different looks. The mental leap he's taken this year is otherworldly. I've asked a few other TBD OG's if they can come up with a QB who has taken this kind of leap in a single year and nobody has managed to think of one yet. Can you think of any? I can't come up with one. Yeah, the first month or so teams were trying to throw man concepts at this offense and Allen and Daboll were absolutely shredding them. When they started to move exclusively to zones, it took a brief adjustment period but I agree that it just doesn't matter much right now. Belichik tried to run more man schemes last night than I expected and got his ass handed to him for his troubles. I think opposing co-ordinators have just reached the point where they're throwing their hands up and screaming "What the *@#& do you want me to do?" There's only so many things you can do and you still have to figure out a way to defend every freaking blade of grass on the field. Hell, when he's roiling right you even have to defend the first two feet of white paint also. It's a total nightmare for both coaches and players and the only solution I see is to limit their possessions by keeping the Bills offense off the field. That actually spooks me because when you consider the weakness in the interior of their Front7, that strategy actually has some potential for success.
  16. Did you notice how long he kept his eyes on the post after he gave the safety that little pump? I swear he intentionally moved that safety with his eyes for almost a full second to keep him out of the third he knew he was going to lead Diggs into on the cross. He's not just reading it at this point, he's already progressed to that uncommon level where he's actively manipulating the field. It's a rare and beautiful treat to watch this incredible (and maybe even unprecedented) progression happening right in front of us every week.
  17. That strike to Knox early in the 2nd qrtr was my favorite of the game and showcased Allen's massive leap forward in a single play. Sell the inside handoff hard to hold both LB's, immediately move the safety out of the lane with his eyes and then a quick release 30yrd laser right on Knox's hands. It's a great example of the total command of the entire field he's been showing for a couple months now. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/what-an-arm-josh-allen-hits-dawson-knox-with-a-24-yard-strike-bills-at-patriots
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