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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I've always undervalued corners because it's soooo hard to make a legitimate impact on the game from the defensive boundary. But the years-long effort by the Powers That Be to turn this into the Arena Football League have really got me questioning that maxim. I thought our inarguable #1 need going into the offseason was to get some help up front for Ed Oliver but I'm now having second thoughts about that. With Josh Norman continuing to show he'll never mature beyond being an unreliable knucklehead, Taron Johnson inability to stick to anybody and Levi Wallace's ongoing efforts to become the most technically unsound corner to ever wear a Bills uniform, I'm wondering if we'd be better served to rebuild the platoon of CBs. Right now I don't trust anybody but Tre White and the young gamer from Pitt, and that is a tenuous position in a league where seemingly anybody can throw it all over the field without fear of reperconcussions.
  2. I get that and it's a fair point. I actually am a big fan of physical corners who push the envelope on contact. But this guy does is at stupid times and stupid ways and is just as likely to take a DPI or Personal Foul as he is to make a play on the ball. I have been Levi Wallace's biggest detractor and I still hope Josh Norman is glued to the bench for the rest of the season.
  3. Do none of you remember his first year in Washington, last game of the season when they needed to win in Week 17 to get in? Josh Norman took two selfish, idiotic dead-ball personal fouls that hurt his team badly in a game where they lost and were eliminated. I don't want that immature dipstick anywhere near the field next week.
  4. And every week corners get called for it. For several years now. Will you appreciate Norman's "passion" when it costs us a TD or 15 yards and a change of possession in an elimination game? You enjoy your marshmallow today. I'm thinking about two marshmallows next week.
  5. They'll still call it on the waist if you hook your hand all the way around or if it looks at all like you turned a guy. You just don't do it anymore, especially when you're already in position.
  6. He grabbed the receivers arm yet again despite being called for it 5 minutes earlier. Then he jumped up and started yapping in the guys face to the point where most officials would have called it taunting and another Miami first down. How you going to feel when he pulls something like that in the 4th qrtr of a one score playoff game?
  7. They've been calling that off arm wraparound for at least 4 years now. It was absolutely a penalty. The worst part was that he read the route, was in perfect postion and didn't have to do it. It was just dumb.
  8. Two incredibly dumb things on 4th down today led to one conversion(and TD) and another that probably should have resulted in a Miami 1st down. If he is going to be that irretrievably stupid, I don't want him anywhere near the field in a playoff game. This is a really good football team and I'd hate to see it sabotaged by the idiocy of one guy at a big moment in a tight game.
  9. Stillers have all 3 TO's so can still get the ball back. About 1:20 left
  10. Stillers about to tie this thing up 1st and goal with less than 3:00 left
  11. Can we please get Nsheke in there now? Daryl Williams should not be on the field.
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