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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah they did. That's why the Bills got the TO back
  2. Yeah, it usually is, but I don't think anybody had the balls to throw a marker at that point in the game.
  3. I didn't believe that there was any chance whatsoever that any ref is overturning that call right there, so I only watched the initial replay and then went in the kitchen for a minute while the rest of the replay was ongoing, so I'll take your word for it. That being said, his hand was close enough to his back that I would not have overturned that call to end the game.
  4. It was a crazy smart play form Poyer but he might have had his hand on his back for a split second before he got up. It was close enough that I would not have overturned it either, especially when it would have ended the game.
  5. He held the ball a lot today which I really don't have a big problem with because he makes so many plays doing it. But in that situation he has to get the ball out immediately, even if its just a checkdown for minimal game on 1st down to keep the clock moving.
  6. I think help up front should be the #1 priority this offseason, but I bet it isn't.
  7. Agreed. They played the Bills very smartly; better than anybody has in a long time.
  8. It's playoff time, man. You protect him in the regular season but now is the time to let all the dogs out. I didn't love all of it within the context of this particular game, but not because I was worried about Allen getting hurt
  9. I just think he's reached that level of "It Goes Without Saying"
  10. I think it has much more to do with a gameplan than our RBs
  11. He was a freaking magician until that play. That's why he needs to forget it ever happened.
  12. That play is going to bug the snot out of him for a while. But let it go tonight, brother.
  13. Jordan Poyer was a grown ass man today And I'll second the call out to Gabe Davis He made some plays when we realllllly needed them
  14. I hate that TO with a white hot burning passion I wish they would have taken it away from him on the replay
  15. they'll never overturn that gotta win it the honest way the clock stoppage kind hurt though
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