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Everything posted by Simon

  1. He did a great job keeping everybody's head in the game when things were going sideways. He mixed up his calls, made the right rotations and was successful having people in position to defend what the Colts wanted to do. And he made sure everybody on the field was maintaining situational awareness relative to the clock down/distance and the game situation. Just really professional work all around from a guy who catches way more flack than he deserves.
  2. "You do realize because they took a look because McD called a TO and was going crazy they had to give the TO back, right?" That's what you said. I'm bowing out of this pointless conversation.
  3. They always try to wait til the last second before the snap for an official review; that's the way they're trained to do it. You think they gave McDermott a TO because he was "going crazy"? 🤨 Yeah, that's the part that isn't true.
  4. So McDermott had a 4th TO up his sleeve and pulled it out on the next play? He's a crafty mick, that one.....
  5. That's one of the reasons I think replay shouldn't even exist.
  6. It's so unusual it makes you suspicious. I'm a little older and have always had a solid gun; I threw a snowball for the dog last week and my arm almost fell off.
  7. No referee ever wants to be put in that position, and I don't blame them. If there is even a smidgen of doubt, you stick with the call on the field and move forward.
  8. He can still get it home if he's stepping into it, but you're not likely to see any 20yrd outs from him any more; even from the near hash.
  9. I hope this team designation stops soon because every single time I see it my brain goes what the ****
  10. Yeah, I'm thinking there's a few million of us in that boat
  11. You might have some bigger issues than football that you want to address. 🙄
  12. Then why did McDermott get his TO back if htey lost the challenge? It was because the officials stopped the game for a review at the same moment McDermott called TO.
  13. My wife was probably about ready to punch me n the head by the 4th qrtr if I mumbled one more thaing about @*%$&* third down.
  14. They stopped at the same time McDermott called his TO; that's why they gave him the TO back.
  15. I couldn't agree less, Aug. The last thing this game needs is more stoppages and more officiating; especially for picayune procedural stuff that has no real effect on the game.
  16. I thought so too but there's a vid clip in this thread from Warcode and it shows Williams being solid.
  17. My bad I was thinking of the other sack. Thanks.
  18. I thought Williams was beat off the snap with a great shiver
  19. I saw the screengrab and it looked like it was taken underwater.
  20. It probably was and it's not a hill I'm going to die on because I didn't watch it that closely. But it was close enough that the call on the field was going to stand; no referee is unilaterally ending the game on that call.
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