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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You got us twisted, homie. You gotta put in your own work around here.
  2. The lizard people thing will never, EVER get old.....
  3. I'm all for him protecting himself, but the only way he turns into Cam Newton is if he gets castrated and has a full frontal lobotomy.
  4. No doubt. I expected to be trading headbutts with neanderthals all night and ended up laughing my ass off with clever, fun-loving pranksters. The Clayton kid looks like a hell of an athlete but that is going to be a tough road for him with no background in the nuances of the game. If he has the patience to stick with it, even when he's getting beat like a drum occasionally, he might have a future in it.
  5. I've actually partied with ruggers before. They were a boatload of fun, which was expected. What I didn't expect was how smart most of them were. Much smarter than athletes in most other sports I've run with.
  6. I don't know how fast these dudes are but it would be interesting to see if they could catch me while I was running away from them at my best speed. https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/cd3905ac480e68fd4c564b80dcb37fa82d915bff/262_199_4448_2669/master/4448.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=0cd6a074672f639ce9e28f9d55266d28
  7. I'm going with Jabari Greer. I spent 3-4 years bitching while he languished on the Bills bench despite clearly being the team's second most capable and instinctive corner, only to see the Bills let him walk when he became a FA. He's currently ensconced in the Saints Hall of Fame.
  8. I will not stand idly by while somebody disparages the wonder that is duct tape.
  9. I'm a really weird combination of avuncular and assho1e, which for reasons beyond my ken makes me uniquely well-suited for this role.
  10. I think it was against Notre Dame. They just controlled their lanes, contained him in the pocket and forced him to play as a traditional QB. He fell apart like a Robert Hall suit.
  11. I'd probably come to the same conclusion but those Islanders teams that preceded them might be a close second. I'd also consider that Cincinnati Reds team of the mid-70's to be worth a mention. The 80's Lakers were a good mention too. The Cowboys in the 90s and 49ers in the 80's were an embarrassment of riches also.
  12. I love a good joke you don't get until 2 hours later. 👍
  13. Hope you got a free chicken fried steak out of it 👍 Blue is not so bad; it could be worse.....
  14. No illicit substances? Slacker......
  15. I think it's only for professional franchises.
  16. I'm still convinced that if the Bills were healthy, they would have finished that game in a Victory formation.
  17. I only ever had the chance to watch him play one time; he was utterly confused and flat out scared because of it. I don't know if he played with that kind of fear regularly but it was bad enough in the one game I saw that he would have been so far down my draft board that he might as well have been off it.
  18. I said the exact same thing right before that drive started. But when they had whittled it down under 2:00 while still having plenty of room to operate there was an opportunity to finish it on that possession. At the time I had zero problem with the shot, because it was there to be taken and it's a throw Allen has made more than once. But in hindsight they may have been smarter to keep bleeding it. Although I get the sense that the Chiefs were adjusting appropriately with the clock and those short zones were getting smaller. At this point, it's just a good debate with no wrong side, imo.
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