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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I will freely admit it was the first time this year I've been drunk during a Bills game. But I was also sitting on my couch next to a D-coordinator and we made several jokes about his instincts to at least make a pile when he gets turned.
  2. I won't give him grief for his pocket work as he was part of a DLine that did an outstanding job holding their rush lanes and he actually got up under a Guard and pushed him a couple times. But he spent half the game trying to anchor with his back turned to the LOS. And the reason the Ravens ran for nothing is that we had zero respect for Lamar's arm and were pouring guys to the point of attack all over the line. Aside from the first series I thought they wasted too many downs trying to attack the 5 and 6 holes against a disciplined defensive front. I've spent the entire season staring in wonder at opposing offenses refusal to work our defensive interior. We can only dodge that bullet so many times before somebody stops beating themselves with that foolishness.
  3. The problem is when those guys only make plays once a month and spend the rest of the time getting blown out of gaps. I know you see what's happening with the DLine rotation; Zimmer is getting manhandled out there on almost every snap. I bet if you watched film from the last two games you'd find Zimmer losing his matchup more than any other player on the Bills defense and it's been going on for months. He's a huge liability out there.
  4. I'll give him credit for consistency; he consistently gets buried or blown off the line. So at least he's got that going for him.
  5. It didn't. But it was really funny and I had been looking forward to using it on you at some point.
  6. It was one guy. And fwiw, I kind of think you won't be seeing him around these parts anymore.
  7. There's nothing like a nice piece of hickory.
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  9. Possibly my favorite Dead Schembechlers piece.
  10. Put your cursor over his name and then you can put him on ignore.
  11. Hiking with the dog until after dark ought to kill a chunk of time
  12. Since NY bars are out and none of you sonsabitches would invite me to your parties, I came up with an alternative plan. I've got a bunch of big, ugly Stiller fans that hate the Ravens coming over to spill beer and holler at the television with me tonight. Pittsburgh's got our backs this week!
  13. I know I have one but I've never run across him. I know because a few years ago my wife and I were in the Rockies chilling out in a clothing-optional hot springs at sunset and a lady sidled up to me and asked me if people ever tell me I look like Mel Gibson.
  14. Maybe they put the sauce on too quick. Got to let them breathe for a minute.
  15. When somebody puts that much time into a post, I don't love the idea of burying it in an inactive thread that was started 4-5 days ago, so I'm not likely to shut it down (at least anytime soon). As for your point, I'd guess the Chargers job belongs to Daboll if he wants it. The longer they go without hiring somebody while the Bills are still alive, I think the chances of him getting the job ,ight actually increase.
  16. Apparently that light bulb was off before. I hope somebody tells him that they are related because there used to be massive herds of Buffalo in Western NY that the original Americans hunted for their spicy leg meat.
  17. I just buy Kaiser rolls, brush eggs on them, sprinkle with caraway and sea salt and toss them in the oven til they crisp up a bit. Make it the last thing you do though cuz they tend to get soggy pretty quickly.
  18. I'm not the right guy to be answering this because I've only watched him play 2-3 times, but he looks to me to be the best QB prospect out of Alabama that I've seen in forever. I wasn't high on either Tua or especially Hurts as NFL players but Jones might be different. On the other hand, it's really hard to tell just how good he is when he's standing behind that OLine, with that RB next to him and throwing to what might be the greatest collegiate WR corps that I've ever seen in my life. 🤷‍♂️
  19. Ulmark had a respectable .915 save% last year and has been a better than .500 goalie both the last two years with minimal help. I'm way more concerned with getting production from the wings than I am with Linus.
  20. I've seen him make some really nice throws from the far hash, which is more impressive on a college field. But I freely admit I haven't watched him enough to have a legit take on his accuracy.
  21. I got to give him some credit. It's not easy to win a fight from the lower row. You should just beat the hell out of him until he gives you a number you like.
  22. He might be a strong enough rider to even get the horse to do it. But he also might be a good enough man not to ask.
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