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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm going to go ahead and lock this before the poster currently known as Teddy gets thrown out of here yet again for his inability to control his creepy Tyrod obsession.
  2. Nobody is going to drop Doug Whaley's name here? If you're making a list of all-pros you can throw Curtis Martin, Shady McCoy and Hugh Green in there too. Before Florida and Texas caught up, lil' ol' Western Pennsylvania was arguably the greatest hotbed of football talent in the US.
  3. I toss them out onto a sidewalk near a store entrance for kids to find.
  4. You know how you throw out pennies because they're useless clutter? A few days ago I tossed a couple nickels out the truck window and wondered if that was going to become a norm going forward.
  5. A huge part of that is because he can actually see the ball. Being able to play with your head up and maintain that peripheral vision in the midst of combat is a vastly underrated ability that doesn't come naturally to a lot of guys and isn't particularly coachable. That combination of vision and length should enable this guy to close fast on the ball and finish a lot of plays that other guys wouldn't. Excellent decision from the Bills braintrust to use the #30 on this kid.
  6. I agree they have serious problems up front, but some guys are just born to be Stillers and Harris strikes me as one of them.
  7. For anybody who's ever wondered what it feels like the day after a football game, this vaccine's effect the following day was remarkably similar. The morning after my shot, I opened my eyes, rolled out of bed and for a second was actually confused because I couldn't remember yesterday's game. The physical feelings were so similar that it was like my body was automatically operating under the assumption I had played ball the day before but my mind wasn't awake enough to process the real reason I was sore. I've never had that from any other vaccine and it was a really weird moment. I kind of liked it.
  8. Fair warning; Your opinions on politics and how pussified this country is have NO place here. My tolerance for it is currently at zero.
  9. For me it was being a bit uncomfortable with an emergent technology that manipulates your messengerRNA (although after nearly 40 years of drinking and smoking, does it really matter at this point:-). I went with the single dose J&J which is just an adenovirus. Had it Monday afternoon; rolled out of bed Tuesday morning and it felt uncannily like the morning after a football game. No soreness Wednesday but a bunch of chills and a little tired; nothing so bad that I couldn't go to work and then still manage to slog through a 5 mile hike with the dog in the evening.
  10. That would be awesome if it turned out like this:
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  12. I might be the only guy on this board who's going to miss having him around. Thanks for always taking care of your boys, Lee.
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