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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I've reached the point where I'll buy a tub of crumbled blue cheese, pour a bunch in a bowl and then mix it up with something like Ken's Chunky Blue Cheese dressing.
  2. That was so horrifically bad I can't tell if you're trolling.
  3. Agreed that he can absolutely shred the zones that the Bills offense is going to predominantly see all year. One other aspect of his game that should not go unmentioned; he spent his first couple years in the league in a room with Hines Ward. The man will block and will enjoy the hell out of it.
  4. If you want to gossip over Twitter nonsense about Covid, please feel free to use Twitter for that. Starting multiple threads on it in a place we're working hard to keep free of it is not helpful.
  5. Just a reminder to please keep this thread on topic and limited to commentary about NFL Covid protocols
  6. Just a heads up that I have tossed no less than 5 different posters in the last 15 minutes. Keep it on topic or feel free to follow them out the door.
  7. Actually, if he was 8 years younger you'd instead be whining about how he was just a product of the Steelers offense and trying to find some other reasons to moan about why he'd never be any good here.
  8. [This is an automated response] This topic is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed. Thank you.
  9. Now you're tryin' to light your roach while you're drivin' down the street (Two hits and the joint turned brown) But it's too small to smoke and it's too big to eat (Two hits and the joint turned brown)
  10. I'm afraid of three things in this life: 1) Brown bears 2) Bees 3) Ghosts
  11. If it keeps them quiet, there's no fine for giving those kids as much vodka and Cherry Coke as they can handle.
  12. Great band that never got their due. The first two albums (self-titled and Blind Man's Hill) are masterpieces. If you like the genre, go buy both immediately.
  13. Sometimes we live no particular way but our own Sometimes we visit your country and live in your home Sometimes we ride on your horses Sometimes we walk alone Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own
  14. Reply all you want. Watching you complain about talking about it while you're.... wait for it...... talking about it, is sort of entertaining
  15. You're the one that chose to open the thread. And then take the time to comment. Twice. Geebus...
  16. Did you ever record a game and then voluntarily click on a thread that says "NHL" in the title and then blame your foolishness on somebody else ? - )
  17. My perception is based on what I have seen with my eyes over 50+ years on this planet. And I'm sorry if you consider this perception unfavorable (there's no "u" in that word, Tommy:-), but I don't attach any negative connotation to it. If anything, I'd view a tendency toward less physical aggression as a positive human characteristic.
  18. It's an interesting study but that range of error (3.3–5.1) is significant. The more I think about it the more I wonder if it's even quantifiable.
  19. I think it's hard to exchange ideas about this stuff sometimes because generations of trying to homogenize our culture have put us in a mindset where we are almost wired to view differences as a negative and we tend to make assumptions about where people who disagree about those differences are coming from. Hell, I would submit that a tendency toward less physical aggressiveness is a positive human characteristic, if anything. That's probably where any disconnect was as I was indeed considering the latter. And the visual stimuli I was thinking of was more along the lines of fighting than **cking. A fair point, but the question of how and why those places became more accepting in the first place is also worth considering. I'd be careful about taking that 33% figure as fact for the very reasons you stated in your previous sentence. I actually have multiple times and then typically end up getting rag-dolled as the party crew I run with has several gay twenty-something sons who are 6'5" - 6'11", can really move and love to initiate spontaneous midnight dance parties on the deck. If those kids weren't so sweet I'd be scared to death of them.
  20. I'm not aware of that and it would surprise me. Although here's a study from an institution that is well-regarded as fairly reliable and authoritative that does not support that claim. Gay Men and Lesbians in the U.S. Military A summary snippet: Using the mid-point estimate that 3 percent of women and 4 percent of men are gay or lesbian among adults in the general population, the findings shown in table 2 suggest that 1.8 percent of active duty personnel are gay or lesbian, meaning that nearly 26,000 gay men and lesbians are serving on active duty. The proportion of lesbians among active duty female personnel is approximately four times higher than the proportion of gay men among male personnel, regardless of the assumptions about prevalence in the population. The mid-range estimate of the proportion of lesbians among women serving on active duty is 5.2 percent while the comparable figure for gay men is 1.2 percent. These estimates imply that more than 11,000 lesbians and 14,500 gay men are currently serving in active duty. Of course there's many homosexual men that enjoy banging heads. But I don't think it's wild speculation to suggest that gay men trend toward less physically aggressive tendencies. If I were to suggest that most men tend to be taller than most women, the fact that many tall women exist doesn't invalidate the observation.
  21. I'm sure there's some folks who have used imaging tools on brain responses to visual stimuli among people of varying sexual orientations, but considering how marginalized that community has been across most global cultures, I'd wonder how much funding is readily available for that kind of research. Although I'd think that we're currently moving through the kind of cultural advance that might make it more accessible.
  22. Or maybe it's others who are colorblind and you're just fine ? - )
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