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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I do that all summer at my camp and used to think I was a pro. Then one day I saw my buddy get in a tube at 8:00am and literally not get out one single time until after 9:00pm.
  2. I've been a DTV customer for 20+ years and have received ST totally free the last two years without doing anything. I wonder if you're basing your assumption on the squeaky wheels instead of the full set of tires?
  3. Sorry jag, I can't change it either.
  4. fwiw, I'd put more stock in what that fella says than what's coming from the press. Nobody bats 1000 but I know from experience that this poster knows what he's looking at.
  5. It's getting better. Nice work, gents.
  6. Yeah, that's really close. They're only one state away! - )
  7. You were around my old stomping grounds (Rushford). Did you pull any Smallies out of the Genesee?
  8. I have no idea how anybody could have watched his total command of the offense, his world-class field vision and his ability to feel the pocket while hunting targets last year and think they haven't seen enough. He's literally become one of the best 2-3 QB's on the planet right in front of our eyes; what the ***** more do you want to see?!
  9. Since Poyer got his mind right, him and Hyde have sort of switched roles, impact-wise. I've always loved Micah's game but he looked like he lost half a step last year; his role in this defense is more dependent on getting help from up front so hopefully that step back was partially a result of an ineffective front. If Oliver and an upgraded DE rotation can start doing more to move QBs around, maybe Hyde's uncanny nose for the ball starts coming back to the fore. We're not likely to see a whole lot of playmaking from the corners so it would be nice if we had the best safety tandem in the NFL.
  10. I'm really terrible with this stuff so take this with a truckload of road salt, but I think they were about 9mil under the cap before and are about 6 mil under now?
  11. This is not accurate. I received everything for free last year without asking and it appears as if the same thing is going on this year with multiple customers.
  12. Simon the mod: It's probably my job to close this thread Simon the Billsfan: I think I'll hang out for a few minutes and watch this guy get eviscerated.....
  13. Those are exactly the two names I have in mind when I say I'm ready to see Addison move on.
  14. I don't think he can play OT in this league. Smart kid but I don't see the feet to be able to move with NFL DEs.
  15. I'll take that whole pie in the 4th qrtr of a tight game, but he doesn't need to be leading Diggs into trouble in the first half of a game where we're dominating somebody. Diggs is tougher than hell but we are going to end up losing him if Josh isn't a little bit more conscientious about protecting him when discretion should take precedence over valor.
  16. I'm almost to the point where I hope they just bite the bullet and cut him loose. They're ready to make a title run and at this point, he's just a passenger at best. I'd hate to lose a good young End because they felt obligated to keep an underperforming vet for cap reasons.
  17. Also floated hospital ball on run to Diggs. This is one area I would really like to see Allen improve on. Diggs is not always going to protect himself so there are going to be times where Josh needs to do it for him.
  18. I agree with everything you're saying but I think Osaka is a bad comparison. She was always ready for competition but she's just a quiet introvert who didn't want to be harangued by a bunch of knuckleheads after every time she played. She just wanted to kick asses and then go her own way; I can respect that. This might sound stupid but the first comparison that popped in my head when Biles quit was Thurman Thomas bailing on his team in the middle of a Super Bowl because he didn't like how things were going.
  19. Does the woke nonsense and the racial crap really need to be everywhere, every day? Take that garbage to twitter and give the mods a f'ing break with it. As for Biles, I'd encourage her to finish out her individual competition in Tokyo. Beyond that she would never again be a member of any team competition that I had a part of building. Blaming your inability to handle competitive pressure on "mental health" is weak and an insult to those who are actually dealing with real mental health issues.
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