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Everything posted by Simon

  1. [This is an automated response] The topic title is potentially misleading. Accurate titles help the community find topics relevant to their interests and avoids reader frustration. Please change the topic title to more accurately reflect content of the original post.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  2. Are some of you folks incapable of homework? He's been an absolute scumbag since he was a teenager. Enough with the repetitive rehashing of the CTE foolishness.
  3. You forgot O'Reilly
  4. Because we've been watching Davis utterly fail to be on the same page as Allen for years now and it wasn't going to get better. Samuel is smarter, a better athlete and a better ballplayer.
  5. Those are some negative waves...
  6. Ostroski must be a lot cooler than Josh Allen. I said Hi to Allen and all he said was "How did you get in my garage?"
  7. I think I liked it even better that way.
  8. Juaronimo may have some loose wires, but they're not the kind that burn down the house. They just sort of make you sniff around like you're worried there might be a smoldering short up there somewhere. Geebus, he's trolling himself now.....
  9. I think your detector could use a fresh battery.
  10. You need to look no further than some of the posts in this thread to see why they may have been made to feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.
  11. I'd be looking into how to set up a hidden camera near my desk
  12. That better not be a gay joke
  13. Never been there. But I did once get thrown out of a bar in Key West for not being gay.
  14. I had size 12 cleats as a Freshman and then never grew another inch. That's another inch taller, you creeps.....
  15. Please keep the left/right, conservative/liberal stuff out of here. It's been creeping into several posts and never leads anywhere good. It's too galdanged hot out to be working a broom. You sound like a guy who just got out of teef's chair......
  16. Stupid shlt like this is exactly why those folks need a place that's free from ignorant asshats.
  17. This is 100% true and I've spent too much free mental time trying to figure out why.
  18. The Pegula jet was spotted headed toward Key West this evening. Beane is a scouting machine!
  19. I still remember Schobel burying Brady while London Fletcher almost killed the center with a block that would have got him in trouble today.
  20. Ummmmm, I've got a couple questions about this plan......
  21. Not to mention I have size 12 boots and was carrying 4 cases of beer (which was why I didn't see him in time). But I don't believe for a second that Kesey would have ever harmed an innocent man. Or me either! When I realized I had stepped on somebody I said "Oh shlt, sorry man" before I realized who it was. Then I recognized him and I just stood there for a second gaping at him and he started laughing. Then I started laughing at him laughing at the stupid look on my face. Then we oddly both said the word "Enjoy" at the same time and started laughing again as we moved on. A strange moment but a genuinely organic way to "meet" one of your favorite writers. Someday I hope to accidentally kick Neal Stephenson in the jimmy and see if that works out as well.
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