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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Textbook from Epenesa on how to hit a QB hard without taking a penalty
  2. I thought Edmunds laying on his back 20yrds downfield tripped him up.
  3. Looks like somebody woke up pissed off and came to play today.
  4. Peekaboo is closed (mudslides). Fairyland might be a better option today.
  5. Not necessarily. A good corner can read a receivers eyes and wait until the right moment to jam an arm or two up in there and do so with extreme prejudice. If you can hold your water and avoid egregious contact until the moment the ball arrives and then attack the area between the receiver's hands, you're not going to get flagged even if you have your back to the ball. Officials are pretty good about not calling a guy for sound technique. The only instance where getting your head around can provide some benefit (in regards to officiating) is if you do get your head around and make it look like you're playing the ball, some officials might you give you a little extra leeway with contact. If you quickly and discreetly slap a guys forearm (without actually hooking or grabbing it) while you're turning around you can make it look like some incidental hand-fighting and you might get away with it. Typically you'll get flagged, but if you don't have your arms extended when you do it and it's 3rd/long, stripes generally does not want to make a call that decides possession. In the example of Wallace getting called against Claypool, he wasn't really in position to try that though. He was beat on the route (which I don't give him too much grief for because his job was to be playing the sticks as much as the receiver in that down/distance) and was already guilty of holding Claypool's right arm just to keep him close. He's just not a good enough natural athlete to recover from that position and had no chance to hide the grabbing of the other arm by incorporating it into a turn. His only shot was to stay oriented on the receiver, watch his eyes and then attack the middle of his catch radius like a junkyard dawg when Claypool's eyes got big.
  6. I bet you'd change your tune real quick if you were in South Carolina!
  7. This makes me wonder how they manage the WAG section at a BYU game. SRO? Overflow seating? Hotbunking Cougars?
  8. What, we can't throw the straps on your grill? Geez.....
  9. I turned the Manning Bros on for a few minutes but didn't love the format. Charles Barkley was on at the time and the 1/3 of the screen was their heads and it was hard synching three guys remotely and it just didn't work. Was Barkley there for the whole game or did I just catch the few minutes he was around. And did they leave the Mannings' faces on screen the whole time?
  10. There is no NFL rule about having to have your head around or be looking for the ball. You are 100% allowed to play the receiver with your back turned as long as you don't initiate contact before the ball arrives. And I do not need to watch the play again as I've already clearly seen him grab both of Claypool's arms in high definition.
  11. This is not true at all. There is no rule that states a defender has to be looking back for the ball. Playing the receiver without looking back is not a penalty. Levi was called for interference because first he was grabbing at the receivers right arm near the top of the route. Then he used his other arm/hand to grab the receivers left arm when the ball was coming in. He grabbed BOTH OF THE WR'S ARMS while the ball was in the air. Referees tend to look down on that sort of thing.
  12. I would suggest no. If I roll one up and pass it around, that is a decision. If a bunch of people contribute to the salad, that is an agreement.
  13. In the meantime, I would strongly suggest that anybody that tries to drag this stuff into other threads is not going to be satisfied with how that turns out. Feel free to talk about how it impacts the Bills, stadium experience, etc in this thread, but please keep it limited to this thread so it doesn't consume the entire forum. Thank you
  14. I was wondering if it was windy up there yesterday. Then I saw Coach go for it on 4th/8 from the 35. That seemed to answer that question. 🌬️💨💨
  15. I was talking about him waiting for 24 hrs....
  16. If part of your game plan includes Zach Moss on the sideline in civvies, your gameplan is ****ed up.
  17. The key is that he's not facing an "imminent loss of yardage due to pressure from the defense". It's the same as a spike but it takes a few more seconds off the clock.
  18. I thought the bigger issue was choosing to kick the FG at that point. If McCarthy had an ounce of brass, he goes for it on 4th down and probably wins the game if he converts. Not going for it and instead handing the ball back to Brady with only a 2pnt lead, over 1:30 left, a TO in his pocket and 4 downs to play with is just signing your own death warrant. A unique combination of stupid and gutless!
  19. I was drooling over that throw before it even hit Davis' hands. Stuck in 3rd/20 after perfectly executing a Brady-like drive and then he caps it off with that rip? 😮
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