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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I know it sounded stupid, but I knew exactly what he meant and he wasn't wrong.
  2. hehehe, I just realize you meant Epenesa and not AJ Klein. (f'ing pineapple kush... ) I'm going to have to get used to now having two AJ's on the field.
  3. RB fumbled on his way into the endzone and it popped up into the air right into somebody else's hands (maybe the Hback?) who carried it in.
  4. I'd have tried to give it to Milano but he probably would have just ripped my arm off and took it.
  5. No, he was being treated for cramps at halftime and never came back in. I don't know if he even made it out to the sideline during the 3rd qrtr.
  6. I think McD was just giving one to the Defense and called Tremaine up as the captain.
  7. As long as you're not doing it in somebody's face
  8. Maybe he never learned to pronounce it.... Everybody has a highest level of education
  9. Your posts make me think of weird *****. What if a team that scores a safety has the option to either add two points to their own score, or take two points off the other teams score. Tua could have made it: Bills 35 Miami -4
  10. Geez, how fast was the safety going who ran him down? - )
  11. Addison actually had some pressures that resulted in throwaways. I wanted the Bills to cut him loose but he was pretty good today. I have no idea what you're referring to about Oliver; he was forcing plays all over the place today.
  12. Yeah, he made it on the stat sheet for it
  13. Yeah probably since he was about 8. That's a long road for a guy that played every snap of his life face first.
  14. Dude, I just watched the Bills completely pants a division rival in front of a few million people and now I'm kicked back and enjoying a ginormous bowl of Waffle Cone ice cream with 5x more hot fudge on it than a 7 year old would consider appropriate and having fun talking to my e-peeps. My frustration level is currently hovering around zero.
  15. I think Dodson was probably getting snaps on passing downs in Klein's place. He may have also been running for Milano when the game was already in hand
  16. But where? He doesn't rush the passer particularly well, he's rarely physical enough to hold a point and the second somebody gets their hands on him he's done. Maybe you hide him inside in a 3-4 and leave him on the field for clear passing downs, but he's almost too specialized to be worth it.
  17. Yeah, he was cramping at halftime and stayed in the locker room for an IV. He may have made it out to the sideline eventually but I don't think he ever stepped on the field in the second half.
  18. The middle of the field was about the only place Miami was able to make any hay in the first half. Then with Edmunds out in the 2nd half, even that was suddenly unavailable to them.
  19. There was one key stop where he got blocked backwards for 15 yards on 3rd/17 and managed to land on his back in front of the ballcarrier's feet to force them into 4th/1. It changed the whole complexion of the game in the early going.
  20. This, with honorable mentions to Oliver and Morse
  21. I'm still not convinced he's as physically talented as everybody keeps saying. He can't play low, he doesn't change directions well and his hand/eye coordination leaves just a bit to be desired. His length is great dropping into a cover2, but it's almost like it's the only thing he excels at and that's a simple straight drop into a middle third.
  22. I thought he was definitely trying to push the ball downfield the first three halves of the season and Allen was fidgety because he knows the Oline can't protect that long. His mechanics and comfort level were noticeably different in the 2nd half when the Bills looked to start taking what was available instead of forcing things. Did you watch him on any other plays? He was missing blocks all over the place and spent most of the half rolling around on the ground. Yeah, I wasn't suggesting he replace Motor; they're just a much better team when both guys are involved
  23. A body found in Teton-Bridger : - (
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