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Everything posted by Simon

  1. that sumbitch damn near caught that anyways
  2. That ball came out of his hand really weird
  3. Knock it off with that crap. You've insulted numerous people in this thread with it and it stops now.
  4. I'm not sure that's the case. Allen is the one frequently pulling the ball down when he doesn't like the initial read
  5. That's exactly why they've been trying to keep him from getting out to his right all night
  6. That dipspit that hit Josh in the face late just brought down the wrath. Enjoy your winnings, hero....
  7. There is nothing plain about "forcible contact". You can interpret it about 100 different ways. Officials are currently choosing to interpret it as any contact.
  8. I thought those first down carries were about nothing more than getting the clock moving. I disagreed with it at the time and just wanted them to keep running their offense, but can still see the value in it.
  9. I thought he just got his hips a little cockeyed and took a couple steps to keep from falling on his arse.
  10. Where we have a disconnect re: the Oliver penalty and low "hits" is between how the rule is written and how it's being called. The rule was written and intended to prevent "forcible contact" on QB's below the knee. It wasn't supposed to be a penalty for tackling a guy low, it was supposed to protect QB's from being "hit" low. Unfortunately the officials don't want to deal with the subjectivity inherent in the rule so they have just taken to calling any contact at or below the knee as a penalty, even if it is just a guy grabbing hold and wrapping up. If they're not going to call it as it's written, I wish they would just scrap it. They can still leave the stripes the capability to call unnecessary roughness penalties for guys delivering egregious shots to the knee.
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