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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I couldn't care less in what format you spew your continued nonsense, you simply have no idea what is going on out there. Yap at somebody else; I'm not interested.
  2. You have no clue what you're talking about and you're wasting your breath trying to make me think you do.
  3. I don't buy into ref nonsense but when was the last time you saw a Delay of Game called that tight?
  4. This must be what they got him for. He's been very good tonight
  5. That guy already declared the game over with 9:00 left in the first quarter. He's getting tossed tomorrow
  6. They're all being impacted because he has to sling them 90 mph
  7. Both him and Milano need to be attacking the LOS on that down.
  8. This is going to feel like a long-assed night. Pack a lunch, brother....
  9. He took on nobody and face planted as teh back blew through his gap
  10. If we win this game I am going ot go through this thread and eject every puss who called the L in the middle of the first quarter.
  11. That's the Tremaine Special we see once a game. That one could really hurt tonight
  12. Cowboy up gangsters. This is going to be a frustrating night.
  13. It was on time and on target but he's going ot be slinging fastballs all night
  14. No, you do that by playing the worst teams in the NFL every week and then getting curbstomped when you finally have to play anybody worth a damn.
  15. I've always been a a Tomlin fan but he's been gawdawful the last couple years. Thank you for confirming that your schtick is nothing more than a schtick.
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