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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah, it's the culture and had nothing at all to do with a smarmy leech insulting them while hiding behind a microphone.
  2. A reporters job is not to call people out.
  3. There's 20 different ways to ask that question and he chose the most inflammatory one in order to make himself part of the story. That's what douchebags do.
  4. You ever try to tackle a flamingo? Have I got a story for you.......
  5. It's kind of a weird gray area now that they're calling the spot where the ball goes over the sideline. That sort of makes the play dead a split second earlier.
  6. I didn't realize either. That pretty much explains the stupid Look At Me question. Let's call it a LAMQ
  7. Williams, Feliciano and Dawkins all regressed badly, Ford didn't progress and Beane didn't keep enough rabbits in the hat to overcome all 4 setbacks.
  8. Gee, I wonder why that was.
  9. That's an insulting question. One of them should have asked if him if he's embarrassed to be an ass.
  10. They've got two backs that are fine if there's a hole. But there are no holes. One of them is good enough to make his own holes in short yardage.
  11. A couple balls off Knox's hands changed the scoreboard also.
  12. He had zero chance to catch that ball, getting in arm in there without seeing it was an excellent play
  13. And he just keeps doing it year after year. It's unreal. I wish he'd hurry up and go back to the Giants......
  14. If your choices were this place or listening to a bunch of Massholes, what would you pick?
  15. This is bull####. Your preferences may be different but it doesn't make other folks wrong.
  16. No coach has ever won more by not hurting himself. And I mean that as a compliment.
  17. It was short but the Pats kept chopping and we didn't.
  18. Good lord this is frustrating. They have him stopped and then quit playing. The McD compounds it by pissing a way a TO in the 2nd half of a game he's trailing.
  19. He's back there because he's not dumb enough to come up and try to field knuckleballs on the run.
  20. He's been really good again. He gets any help between the booth and the LOS the Bills will win this game.
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