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Everything posted by Simon

  1. McDermott was his first choice and he worked hard on selling him to the Pegulas.
  2. The only coach he actually ever got to pick was Sean McDermott, so that recrimination doesn't really belong on the list with the other more valid ones.
  3. Neither, honestly. He was always a bit of a hothead and I assumed that whole Wisconsin incident was on him until I actually saw the video and realized the other head coach had grabbed him first and then that idiot assistant had come barreling in there shoving people and screaming then put his hands on one of Howard's players. He shouldn't have cuffed him right then when things were already running hot, but he didn't start it and there were multiple extenuating circumstances. It's more just watching the way he manages game situations, how he interacts with his players, the things he's saying spontaneously when somebody sticks a microphone in his face. His sense of awareness and his demeanor have had me unconsciously nodding my head at him. I just never expected that to happen.
  4. I've never really cared for Juwan Howard since the Fab Five days but I feel like I'm sorta starting to gain some respect for him. 🤷‍♂️
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  6. Calipari is from N of Pittsburgh and played college ball a little down the road from me. He was such an a-hole that one of my buddies actually threw him out a window in college.
  7. His mental fragility is going to lead to some problems at the next level.
  8. Diggs has been regularly opening himself up and willingly taking a pounding since he got here. There's been multiple instances where I've found myself yelling "Geebus kid, get your ass down"
  9. Agreed on this. Actually, I would not be surprised to see the Bills even work their way down the board a little bit to pick up an extra body or two.
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  11. I would agree that he doesn't give a damn what condition his seat might be in.
  12. Good luck trying to get that boy to sit down during a game. 🤼‍♂️
  13. Yeah, that was the first sentence of my post.
  14. It's 65 and sunny for the first time in 4 months and I just finished a gorgeous 5 mile hike with my dog. I guarantee I'm happier than you are.
  15. If not this year, does it have to be the next one?
  16. I think it will too, but if things get Billsy again in another playoff game that ends our season.....?
  17. I think he arrived in Buffalo as a very good football coach who has continued to get better in his time here. But Beane just handed him a roster that he HAS to win a Super Bowl with at some point. Did that hypothetical point just get a bit closer to the present?
  18. Good. With QB locked down, DL becomes the most important position group on the field.
  19. I don't know. Sounds like a sex toy.....
  20. Ask him if the faucets refuse to run and will only do so if McDermott comes over and yells at them.
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