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Everything posted by Simon

  1. This. 👆 What's eye-opening to the OP, is just SOP to players and coaches.
  2. You have no idea of what they did or didn't know, and the only real complaint you can make is that they were going slow and being safe. You're either trolling again or you're so lacking in self-awareness that your preconceived prejudice is embarrassingly apparent to everybody but you.
  3. I would think it has less to do with him disappearing on vacation for a couple weeks and more to do with him clearly being a giant puss with the intestinal fortitude of a 3 week old puppy. It's not a mere coincidence that he has the same initials as Jeff George.
  4. I'm at the point where I won't eat it unless I decarbed and baked it myself so I know what and how much is in it.
  5. fwiw, I've found that effect virtually disappears if I'm out doing something active. Whether it's hiking/biking or splitting firewood or building something or playing cornhole, doing something you can dial in on keeps that annoying introspection at bay. I'm actually on the way out to the river right now to spend the day kayaking with a fairly potent sativa, just being outside and doing something interesting makes all the difference in the world. 🤙
  6. Interesting example of how culture changes over time. I used to throw at kids in LL all the time, knowing damned well I was going get it right back two innings later.
  7. I would suggest that most of those offensive "valleys" were followed by McDermott yanking hard on Daboll's leash and the Bills offense quickly recovering the following week with a more traditional approach. That's not something I would put down to coincidence.
  8. In that case, suggesting a guy could be a .500 quarterback with a very good roster around him is hardly conferring "legend" status upon him.
  9. Suggesting that Trubisky is a minimally better option than the last we saw of Roethlisberger, a rookie or Mason Rudolph is hardly conferring "legend" status upon him.
  10. He also had one of the best days of his career as a captain and a leader of men. His insistence on keeping his chin up and continuing to grind on a gawdawful day inspired everybody around him and imo was the only reason the Bills managed to steal that game. Yolo had posted the same vid about 30 seconds before you. I try to eliminate duplicates to keep the board less cluttered.
  11. Have a camp on the upper Allegheny we'll probably stay in from early May til the leaves fall, then will buy property somewhere in the mountains of East Central Arizona or North Central New Mexico to spend winters. Not sure what the wife's plans are yet
  12. I've lived in Western PA for most of the last 30 years. And Tomlin has already said that every QB will be running with every group and that the rotation means nothing. Ben's game had been disintegrating before our eyes for years and he was downright awful last season. Nobody wanted him back and I seriously doubt that any comparisons to Roethlisberger will carry any weight outside of people who want to sell newspapers.
  13. Despite the media's insistence on pushing another narrative, Stiller fans were done with Roethlisberger well before he retired and following him is not likely to be an issue in the short term. They also seem to recognize that Pickett is likely nothing but the #3 guy this year. Mitch is competing with Mason Rudolph for the starting spot and will likely beat him out. imo, Trubisky's biggest worry is probably surviving behind an abysmal offensive line.
  14. Not to mention that during the season he'll be drawing a lot of extra attention that he's not necessarily drawing right now.
  15. Thank you for confirming your status as an intentional troll. Perhaps now is the time to start moderating you as such, instead of extending you the benefit of the doubt as a devil's advocate.
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  17. Which drives me batty because even if we give up the occasional big play, I've got zero issues with putting the ball back in Allen's hands to get it back.
  18. Better now than later. I'm not opposed to increased reps for the backups during the preseason.
  19. Somebody gave me a bunch of blown up pics of my face mugging at a camera. I used to put them on the underside of the top bunk at our camp so that when guests went to bed drunk they would wake up in the morning and have an oversized Simon head staring down at them.
  20. That was also the first thing that popped into my head
  21. Holy Old Home Week... I wonder if Hogboy will bring Ice?
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