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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I think there is literally 0% chance of that He may have, I have no idea. But when he stepped on a field with actual NFL players and had to jam them, run and cut with them, tackle them, etc, he looked like a little kid. I bet if you asked Beane about it in private, he'd be embarrassed by the pick now.
  2. Wildgoose was so wildly overmatched physically in every single facet of the game, there is not a coach on this planet that could turn him into a viable NFL DB.
  3. I'll probably go to my grave convinced that we lost our 5th Super Bowl on a coin flip.
  4. In this life, what we deserve and what we get are often one in the same.
  5. Buffalo Bills Cut Tracker
  6. There was a report buried in here somewhere that an NFL journalist spoke with 5 different front offices and of those 5, I think 2 of them were aware of and 3 of them were not aware before the draft. The 2 that were aware knew something was in the wind, but did not have any details.
  7. I've also read modern ones can be between 80-90% accurate. But I bet a lot depends on who's asking the questions and reading the results.
  8. Makes me wonder if other guys who weren't dressed had plates installed on their lockers.
  9. It was just a guy making a joke in the pregame thread. He copped to it pretty quick after a couple of us believed he was there.
  10. I thought that at first too, but then wasn't sure if maybe it wasn't standard practice to not install one for guys who aren't dressing. 🤷‍♂️
  11. Yeah, there was definitely that element too. I just thought he was gritting his teeth in a mammoth effort to stay calm and controlled.
  12. You know you want to drop a dancing bear gif in here.
  13. Yeah, with a chainsaw and in little bitty pieces
  14. Maybe you ought to do some homework before you come in here talking ***** on teenage gang rape victims.
  15. If you think I'm going ot let this turn into a forum for attacking gang-raped teenage girls, you got another thing coming.
  16. How about a deal? If anybody is arrested and charged for raping that teenage girl, I toss you out of here. If a bloodied, bruised, gang-raped teenage girl turns out to be the B word you claim, you can stay. Deal?
  17. I'm going to say this one last time. There is one Matt Araiza thread. THIS IS NOT IT. Multiple people have already been tossed out of here for not respecting that and going forward multiple more people may be following them. If you want to discuss tonights game, have at it. If you want to debate about Araiza, head over to the existing thread. This ***** will NOT take over this forum.
  18. She was a 17 year old girl. Did you see the choke marks all over her throat? Did you see the bloodstains all over her clothes? Will you say just one more ignorant thing so I can get me some satisfaction?
  19. Thanks for coming in here and insulting people and questioning the integrity of anybody who supports the US justice system and disagrees with your brilliant take.
  20. There's been speculation that even if the call is not admissible, the resulting notes taken by the detectives may be.
  21. It's like a good Archer episode. It gets funnier every time you watch it.
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