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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Titans DT jumps just offside but doesn't make any contact. Bills C goes to tap him on the head to create contact and active the penalty. Titan DT was barely offside and then jumped back onside immediately. By the time the Bills C touched his helmet the Titans DT was just barely back on his own side of the LOS. Since he was no longer in the neutral zone, the penalty goes to Buffalo for movement/initiating contact.
  2. I'm still not convinced Cook has the long speed that everybody seems to have been taking for granted since he was drafted.
  3. Not nearly as stupid as Simmons jumping offside on 4th/1 inside the 5 when everybody in the stadium knew they weren't snapping the ball.
  4. If anybody has video of Cook's only big run, I'd love to watch the schnowman doing his thing again. That was funny as hell. Here it is. Dawkins is the only starter left on the field and he's still getting after it. It's not as fun as losing, but it'll do for now.
  5. The reason he didn't get called is because he turned his back and put his hands up. Smart vets know what they can get away with by doing that.
  6. If it was Lewan, he should have no trouble getting contributions for the lost game check.
  7. I'll never figure out where this narrative came from. 🤷‍♂️ I never saw a single piece of film that made me question his courage or desire to attack ballcarriers. He was a physically aggressive corner and a very willing tackler in every bit of video I watched.
  8. Released this morning and walked out of the hospital; no problem. The really dangerous injuries generally result from having your head violently pushed forward. For some reason the human body is designed to be much more resilient in instances where your head is pushed backward. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Preventing the delay of game by calling the TO with 1 second on the playclock enabled the Bills to still go for it on 4th/short. Which resulted in a TD. McD did nothing wrong there; it was just unfortunate timing with that moron jumping offside with .5 seconds left on the playclock.
  10. My old school Buffalo Bills tie is 2-0 on weekday prime time games
  11. He wasn't looking to celebrate, he really wanted a piece of Tannehill.
  12. He didn't. The Titans were in a hurry-up and he though Jackson was laying on his guy burning clock. It was unnecessary and stupid but it wasn't malicious.
  13. They had about a half dozen tackles between them and probably more of them were on backs than receivers.
  14. He went down like a sack of wet potatoes
  15. Watching Groot become a legit problem for offenses is very, very enjoyable.
  16. Both of them with fearless and intelligent outings tonight. The Bills are going ot be relying heavily on these two kids and they both look like they belong already. Like all corners, they're going to lose a few battles, but they both know exactly what they're supposed to be doing, where they're supposed to be doing it and neither one is afraid to go get there.
  17. Worried about Phillips. Pulled up lame on the pick return and went down fast with no contact.
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