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Everything posted by Simon

  1. This. 👆 And he's also playing with his hips lower in coverage which has also really improved his overall game. The comparison to Allen's huge single season leap forward is one I hadn't considered but might be apt. When the season started I don't think the Bills had any real intention of paying him big bucks for what he brought to the field, but damn if he hasn't put Beane in a much more difficult spot now.
  2. I think the biggest advantage of those is that, if done right, they can knock it out fast and keep the game moving. This nonsense where stripes has to make an announcement, mosey on over to a hooded camera with a tiny screen, look at it 17 times, and then stroll back out to make another announcement is the height of stupidity. It's like a bunch of empty suits think that this is some sort of drama that people are interested in. Nobody wants to watch that nonsense. Put me in a room upstairs with a cooler and 4 screens; I have until the next snap to buzz down for a review; if I do buzz down I've got 10 seconds to tell the white hat if the call has changed. Between the play clock and the extra 10 seconds that gives me over half a minute to watch slo-mo replays from multiple angles, which is more than enough time to see if something clearly needs overturned. If I can't decide in that time, it's too close to call, the call on the field stands, the play clock resets to :25 and we're playing ball in under a minute.
  3. I am 100% done cleaning up politics and Covid bullshlt. The ban hammer is out of the holster. If you can't stick to Buffalo Bills football in a Buffalo Bills football forum, go out to lunch until you can control yourself.
  4. He might not know that if he didn't read it
  5. You better hope so. Because it doesn't typically end well for people who post false rumors here.
  6. Haven't watched a snap yet but it sounds like a good game to put on in the bedroom to get to sleep fast.
  7. Get hurt was the wrong choice of words. Fall off would have been more accurate. And yes, I agree New England rock and root can be way worse than many 3000' climbs out West. Hope you had a boda bag!
  8. It's funny you mention that because the only place I ever had a problem up that way was near the top of Camel's Hump. There was this really cool, perfectly flat cloud ceiling only a couple hundred feet above the summit and ripping along about 50 mph and every time I looked up at it I almost fell on my ass.
  9. I actually remember thinking it was weird seeing him lined up there after just signing a couple weeks ago.
  10. You can still mock him for his toddler mentality...
  11. There's a few places on Mansfield that can get hairy if you opt for a more "direct" ascent but you'd have to be a moron to get hurt on an established trail.
  12. He's been manhandling NFL Tackles on the edge for two years now.
  13. I think you'll find out before that. Those guys don't need 4-5 games of tape to realize that you take away his short timing routes and force him to be accurate further down the field. It didn't work yesterday and the Bucs defense is nothing to scoff at. 🤷‍♂️
  14. The other thing that's going to matter when the playoffs roll around is that Purdy plays without fear. Garoppolo is a quivering meltdown waiting to happen and I have no doubt his teammates know it.
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