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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Then please stop giving him attention by bringing his schtick in here
  2. Yes, but he woke up and turfed the surgeon, took back the spleen, taped it back in there and left for practice before anybody could stop him.
  3. Just polished off a comically large plate of Buffalo chicken spaghetti and it got me thinking that maybe folks would like a thread to give and take Buffalo style recipes? I'll start: Brine a pound or two of chicken (If you don't brine, start immediately. It's fast, easy and pays off huge. My go-to is 4 C of water and about 1/3 C of seasoning in a gallon bag with the chicken; leave it in the fridge overnight. Of that 1/3 C of seasoning at least half should be straight salt as it helps everything to penetrate the chicken throughout; for this recipe I'd go half salt and then half a mix of cayenne, garlic and whatever else you think goes good with Buffalo chicken. Adding some white vinegar to the brine is rarely a bad idea as it penetrates even better) Cook your chicken the next day (I sous vide at 148 for an hour or two to retain the chicken's moisture)and then shred it all when its done. Put the chicken in a saucepot (or crockpot) with the following: 1C of chicken stock (you can increase this if you prefer your sauce thinner) 8oz cream cheese 1/2 C Red Hot 1/2 C good Ranch dressing (I take a measuring Cup and fill it with half Franks and half Ranch; you can alter this ratio either way to make it spicier if your peeps like the heat or less spicy if you're serving young'uns) 2 Tsp heavy cream 2 Tsp butter Let that simmer for a while and then pour an unhealthy dose over a plate of spaghetti. Eat until you're ill.
  4. Yeah, he's definitely a stubborn SOB when it comes to getting his arse on the ground to protect himself If it happened previously I didn't catch it. Maybe it's been a nagging issue all year?
  5. He came up grabbing at it after an awkward tackle and did not look quite right for the rest of the day vs Miami. I did not see the Bears game since I was busy navigating a blizzard in the lee of Lake Erie for 10 hrs but the fact that he only had two catches rings some warning bells. I'll try to find some video of it. The play in question starts at around the 7:20 mark
  6. This would be awesome. I often find myself in wonderment and even awe at the jaw-dropping level of stupidity frequently displayed by Jim Harbaugh while wearing a headset. Mojo Nixon has him pegged perfectly.....
  7. It's not an article, it's an accredited study by respected medical professionals and there is no other study that has been performed in the last month refuting it. It doesn't say anything about cold causing illnesses, but there seems to be very clear evidence that cold temperatures inhibit our bodies ability to fight them. I do agree that this is not the place for it though, so I will quietly show myself out.
  8. You are 100% full of shlt and I'm about 10 seconds from chucking you out of here on general principle.
  9. Do they know that the average temp in Seattle at that time is close to 50 degrees and that it's the rainiest time of the year? I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
  10. So defenses continue to gameplan for him and defenders aren't intentionally attacking it
  11. Dude, that team was absolutely loaded all over the baord.
  12. I preached this for all of my life. Then this study came out about a month ago
  13. The only book that has ever remained in my backcountry pack for over a year. 🤙
  14. Is the 4 seed the first wildcard who is often better than the worst division winner?
  15. Yeah, he was wearing a brace all week leading up to the Miami game and essentially played the Dolphins one-handed. I'm starting to worry a bit about his injuries; he plays so damned hard I wonder if he's always going to be nicked up in some fashion
  16. I would suggest it means that Americans are a very generous lot and love to provide regular donations to unsubsidized gambling entities by blindly betting on events in which they have no control over the outcome.
  17. I think Diggs hurt his hip during the Miami game but has been gutting it out and the Bills are keeping it under wraps.
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