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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Can I just play chess against an alligator? It would probably be a pretty fair match...
  2. He's not going to be able to move as well, but that escapability is as much instinct as it is athleticism with him. It will probably cost them a couple 3rd down conversion throughout the game, and that might be just enough for the Bills or Bengals to gain the edge they need to put them away.
  3. You know he'll play. And I agree he'll play well; his brain and his eyes are his most dangerous weapons.
  4. Some double birds for Eli Manning this week
  5. Can somebody get a note to the Giants and let the m know the game has started. Geebus, talk about a lack of compete......
  6. That's weird because I'm not expecting much from the Eagles
  7. Looked like he got his bell rung during the fumble recovery late in the game
  8. Wasn't assuming that at all. It's going to affect his ability to plant and throw crazy arm angles no matter who he's playing.
  9. It was reported that Xrays came back negative
  10. It's also going ot greatly affect his ability to throw some of those crazy arm angles he's tortured us with
  11. Dude's getting better than Toradol
  12. C'mon man, that's your own choice to listen to it. A lot of us won't hear a thing about it this week.
  13. After he got hurt, I thought they made a concerted effort to call a quick, controlled offense to make sure he wasn't holding hte ball for more than a couple seconds
  14. I'm still not convinced that was a catch
  15. Their secondary is playing some chickenspit football
  16. There's a ton of time and the Chiefs D is not good; this is still manageable
  17. Look for a deep shot the next time the Jags have a first down
  18. QB sneaks are probably out of hte playbook
  19. I hope it costs him a 2nd half time time out in a tight playoff game over 6" of field position
  20. It's only 4am; we can probably still get some more
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