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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm going to start dealing out warning points and 1 day suspensions to folks who keep dragging the Bills bickering in here. Forewarned is forearmed
  2. No it is not. This is not a Bills thread and it's not going to become one.
  3. They couln't find a camera angle quick enough when the "receiver" got them to the line fast and they snapped a default
  4. That was not a catch; he trapped it and he knew it. Missed call leading to 7 pts in a game with two good defenses could loom really large.
  5. Do you think disseminating it even more will make it stop? C'mon Big Toe, I hadn't seen hardly anything til you made me think about it now!
  6. I think he just doesn't have the feet to match up athletically with the level of player that he's lined up across from. I'm sure he specifically trained and ran that combine drill 5000 times before he did it for the stopwatches, but repeatedly practicing the same rote series of maneuvers is a far cry from having to be able to move your feet and adjust on the fly when you have no idea what's coming from your opponent. He just can't keep up with those faster edge players when he's executing full speed in real time. That boy is massive and country strong; I don't think leverage is as much an issue for him as he might be for other players. When he gets his hands on people, they're in trouble, so even if he gets jacked up occasionally by a lower man he has enough power that he should still be able to control him. I'd be more worried about hiding his feet than his knees.
  7. Yeah, it's definitely just a start and not the final product. But at least it buys them enough wiggle room they'll have that #2 pick to use on another outside receiver if there's one they like there. I'd go right back to the OL well with that 3rd pick too; either more competition at OT or a good young center to step into a hole they're going to have there soon.
  8. I don't know but I very much doubt it. He's just not a Tackle in this league and moving him inside is the best way to keep him on the field, imo.
  9. Ideally they should move Bates back to LG (where he was also good), kick Spencer Brown inside to RG (which hides his weaknesses and accentuates his strengths), pray to god that Morse doesn't retire and then use that 1st rnd pick on a bluechip OL prospect to play RT. If you pick the right guy, you potentially upgrade 3 starting positions on the OL with minimal cap cost and only have to use a single asset to do it. Then you still have the rest of your draft picks and what cap space you have to keep Edmunds and fill multiple other needs. Regardless of what they do, they really need to nail this draft to extend their window of contention.
  10. 1 post a year for 12 years might be the most impressive statistic of self-restraint ever registered here. 🤙
  11. Your people-reading skills are decidedly underwhelming
  12. If you don't even think it's realistic, then why would you start a pointless rumor thread suggesting that it might happen based on some Twitter nonsense?
  13. If you'd like, I can change the title to "Perfect summation of All fans:"
  14. [This is an automated response] This topic is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed. Thank you.
  15. I'm hoping 2 things: 1) Another 6months out from surgery will help 2) A DL that actually stresses QBs (which he never experienced this year) will make him more of the dangerous player he was
  16. That is very telling coming from a guy who gives up nothing. Seeing him standing in Poyer's spot next August would give the Bills one less hole to deal with.
  17. Your assumption that he was bitching at Allen may be incorrect. There are reports that he was telling Allen to quit listening to Dorsey.
  18. Thanks for the better pic. I still have a hard time trusting still shots of fluid situations. Personally, I prefer to see sticky man if you're going to send both 'backers into the A gaps.
  19. He might be the right guy at the right time; I just think he's a crucial improvement over what they would have been putting out there in the playoffs. I give Lance another shot to win the job next season and hope he figures it out. His trade value isn't going ot get any lower so no point in moving on too early.
  20. I think it could, if it was coached that way. Long time, hoss; hope all is well.
  21. It's a still picture well before the snap and before the Bengals OL is even set. Did the Bills DB's creep up before the snap? Did they attack the sticks after the snap? Did the two LB's drop into zones on the seams? Unless you have video of the actual defense being run, this photo is completely meaningless, imo.
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