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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Are you too classy for toasted cheese and tomato soup?
  2. I can think of at least 4 teams that would strongly disagree with this; Colorado, Edmonton, Tampa and the Rangers. All four of them also happen to be the 4 finalists in last year's playoffs.
  3. The only thing I was kidding about was the beer cooler. The fact that the league chose to implement the stupidest, most inefficient, time wasting review process that they possibly could, primarily (imo) because they thought it would create some sort of artificial drama with a freaking referee decision, tells us all we really know about who is running things. Hey you pencil-necked geeks who weaseled your way into making football decisions, the drama that people actually tuned in for takes place on the field during play, not with your drawn out reality show bullspit. Quit screwing up the actual game (you know, the entire point of your multimillion dollar broadcast) with fake theatrical nonsense.
  4. Three easy steps: 1) Every official starts the game with three flags in his pocket. If you run out of flags, you are done for the day. If you run out of flags two weeks in a row, you don't get paid. If you run out of flags three weeks in a row, you are done for the year. 2) Every official wears a proximity sensor with a mild shock device wired into their skivvies. If you come within 10 feet of two other officials simultaneously during a dead ball, you get shocked. 3) All coaches challenges are removed. The replay system consists of one neutral fan upstairs in a room with a cooler full of beer and 8 large monitors with quick replay capability of all camera angles in the stadium. This person has until the ball is snapped on the next down to decide whether to overturn a call on the previous play. If they cannot find a camera angle clearly showing the need for a reversal in that time frame, play moves on. If they do see an obvious need for a reversal, they buzz down to the head ref to stop the play and clarify the call. NOT to have the ref go squint into a single tiny hooded monitor for 5 minutes to decide, but to tell them where the ball is, what the down and distance are and what the clock says, at which time the play clock is rest and play moves on. Fast, efficient and minimizes officiating impact on the game
  5. [This is an automated response] The topic title is potentially misleading. Accurate titles help the community find topics relevant to their interests and avoids reader frustration. Please change the topic title to more accurately reflect content of the original post.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  6. Actually I think his point was that modern NFL broadcasts are becoming too much like that reality garbage you're referring to. imo, he is 100% correct. But great job missing the point and insulting a good guy for no reason.
  7. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A better title will help the community find information faster and make your topic more likely to be read. The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  8. SB Commercial commentary is what made me first fall in love with @Ralonzo 20+ years ago. I don't watch any more commercials during the SB than during any other regular season game but his descriptions of them are almost certainly beyond compare to the product itself
  9. KC - 33 PH - 23 in a game that's not as close as the score might indicate.
  10. If you'd have had mushrooms in your omelet, you wouldn't have cared as much and would still be carousing bars enjoying funky neon right now. 🤷‍♂️
  11. Goodbye and best of luck in your future endeavors
  12. By the time my youngest hit middle school, I was wearing large headphones in the bleachers for his basketball games. I'd head to the top row with the fewest people nearby, have a wall to lean back on, sit quiet as a churchmouse and not have to hear a bunch of jackasses screaming about kids playing ball. I enjoyed the irony of them thinking I was the rude one.
  13. Are you setting us up to GoFund your next trip abroad?
  14. It was a unique situation with the game involving the team that had eliminated us just a week ago against the one team the Bills have been chasing, and playing in a Championship game we wanted to be in. Lots of factors pushing what was likely hundreds of frustrated venting postws into the game thread. There was another live thread that was essentially dedicated to those comparisons and why the Bills weren't good enough to be there and how to fix that, etc. and it ended up working pretty good so that folks had a couple options of what they wanted to discuss and where to do it without washing out other people's conversations. The request was placed in both threads and in both titles. I also sent out dozens of individual PMs asking people to not do that in that thread until eventually it just became too much. You can be sure that you were not the only one who was temporarily locked out until after the game.
  15. You can gain competitive advantages from false starts or illegal formations, but the 41st second on the play clock is completely irrelevant.
  16. No, I'd be pretty pissed that we gave up a 4th/8 to lose a game and wouldn't care less that it happened one second later.
  17. Love the Acme quality idea but I'd be concerned about Belichik figuring a way to make it blow up in Morse's face with 3 seconds left.
  18. I didn't think I was going to like it when they stared foregoing measurements, making quick judgment calls and giving the O the benefit of the doubt with first down calls, but it's been one of the few things they've successfully done to keep the game moving and the momentum building. I hope the OCD fans don't start squawking about this also when they feel wronged while looking at their angled sideline views.
  19. Yeah, he doesn't have much wiggle room when it comes to arm strength
  20. Because it inevitably ends up turning the live game thread into yet anther Bills B word fest. People like to have a thread to talk about the game being played and introducing Bills content into it then makes it difficult or impossible to follow and talk with others about the game itself. There are dozens of threads people can select to discuss any aspect of the Bills they wish, keeping one free of that for a few hours so that folks can discuss a game they are watching is a nice option for us to have. Nobody loses, everybody wins. 🤙 The only problematic part of it is me missing watching the game myself because I'm trying to keep the game thread clean (my computer and TV are not in the same room). I probably missed over 50% of both games yesterday trying to provide a clean thread for people, and I'm trying to figure out another way to provide this service without screwing myself over at the same time. I do not want that to continue going forward, so it's possible that kind of janitorial work may be discontinued. 🤷‍♂️
  21. Mahomes sees the whole field better than anybody else in the world right now.
  22. These guys can get on the line and snap the ball in 10-12 seconds when they want to. The difference between 40-41 seconds is meaningless, imo.
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