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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'd cling to that except for the fact that the problems he had this year were virtually identical to the ongoing problems he had the year before when he was healthy i.e. he just doesn't have the feet to play T at this level.
  2. This is a giant load. He's not only drawing doubles all year, which he was able to beat more often than most, he's also spent multiple snaps this year playing the edge. As for your complaints about the Cincy game, watch the tape and in additional to doubles, you'll actually see him drawing THREE guys at times. The Bengals staff clearly knew who the Bills' biggest defensive threat was and devoted a huge chunk of their game plan to him.
  3. He was probably the best shooter in the history of the NBA. Until Steph Curry came along.
  4. And I don't think he will ever be a quality NFL Tackle. So that creates a bit of a problem....
  5. Yeah, those feet are probably in insurmountable problem. My hope is that he is so damned strong that the leverage problem is one that he might be able to overcome.
  6. I like Spencer Brown on the field, but not as an edge blocker. Using their top pick on an OT and kicking Brown inside is the best solution I can see for the Bills to quickly and efficiently improve an OLine that desperately needs it.
  7. I'm sure you've gotten better at it since though.....
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  9. Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into a nothing that is something, then wearing stripes with plaid becomes easy – Albert Einstein
  10. I think he's probably the best rhythm player I've ever heard.
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  14. I've driven across this country many, many times and you'd have to pay me a lot of money to take that route. I think it would be painfully boring with nothing to see or do but look at cheesy billboards, eat overpriced eggs in worn-out diners and wish you were making time on the interstates that run right next to it for most of the way.
  15. This is prrety much exactly what I'd hoped they'd have the patience to avoid. Trading away quality prospects for JAGS that are going to make no difference whatsoever to the present or future of this team.
  16. He'll never admit it, but I think he's afraid of McDermott. He was about to get in a fight after a play out of bounds this year(I think vs Miami), then saw McDermott coming down the sideline and immediately turned around and ran back on the field. You could practically hear him saying "Here comes Coach, oh shlt, oh shlt, oh shlt......"
  17. That may well end up being the case, but I do think there's a chance he can succeed at Guard just because he is so damned strong. When he gets his hands on people, it's usually all over and I think he might be able to move and redirect people inside even without the best leverage. You're not going to want to run a lot of sneaks behind him and there could be the occasional issue with passing lanes because of his height, but it's his best chance for success, imo. I think that comes from the very good combine numbers he put up in specific, predictable agility drills he was able to repeat thousands of time in advance. When he has to adjust on the fly because he doesn't know how defenders are going to attack him, that practiced athleticism just disappears.
  18. I don't see the surgery having much impact on his development; I just don't think he has the feet to play Tackle at this level. Just like they could have last year, the Bills could save themselves a lot of trouble by spending a high pick on an OT and moving Brown inside to RG to see if he has a future there, because it's the only place he's ever going to be an effective starter in this league.
  19. You must watch him more than me or something because every single time I watch a Rams game he is just gawdawful. Unbelievable athlete but a shockingly dumb human being, which ultimately makes him an absolute pigeon when people go after him, which they frequently do.
  20. Since I'm sure you're waiting with abated breath, I'll spare you the suspense and suggest it might be quite a while on that response.
  21. There was a 3-4 year stretch in there that I am still convinced was the greatest sustained run of otherworldly excellence by any athlete in any sport in the world that I have ever seen in many decades of dedicated sports viewing. The only other person who I would even consider mentioning in the same breath regarding this would be Michael Jordan. It wasn't just that Hasek was the best of the very best; it's that he was soooooo far beyond what any of his peers were doing that there were times that it became impossible to believe your own eyes. It went far beyond excellence and well into uncharted territory where not only was he doing things that nobody else could do, he was doing things that nobody else had ever considered even trying. It was like he was so good that being the best in the world was boring and he had to come up with other ways to keep himself entertained. "Routine 47-save shutouts are so cliche; I think I'll start redirecting pucks with my head". "Stopping multiple odd man rushes night after night with breakdance maneuvers is getting stale; I'm going to start clearing pucks by throwing them and then batting them out of the air with my stick". And it wasn't just for a week here and there; it was complete insanity and it went on regularly for years. I cannot think of any other instance in which the gap between the best player in the world and then the next 10 best players after him was as stunningly large. In such a relatively small market with a limited fanbase, I genuinely felt lucky to be one of the few people in the world that got to see something like that night after night. I'm confident that I will never again see anything like it in this lifetime.
  22. And you think they all deserve their own thread about whatever nonsense speculation they spit out to attract attention to themselves? C'mon man, be better...
  23. I think they're still a year away regardless of anything they do at the deadline. Unless it's a deal to move an older player for more young talent or even draft picks(a reasonable deal in that vein might not even exist for them right now), I hope they hang on to every chit they have and use them to keep a strong steady build going. We're almost through this mess; if we can stay patient for one more year it will pay dividends going forward when it really starts to count.
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