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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I love it when you break out the chainsaw for the first time since fall and it fires right up with no hesitation whatsoever. Magical.......
  2. Good eyes, great instincts and an an excellent nose for the ball. If he can cover anybody at the NFL level, I'll eat my hat. He'll probably make a pretty good pro safety eventually. 🤷‍♂️
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  4. Bingo. Getting embarrassed in the first round of the playoffs would have served no purpose for this team and I'm glad they're going to have one more year of better draft picks to work with. With reliable goaltending and more mature consistency next year, this is going to be a fun team to ride along with sooner than later.
  5. Upsets are fun in the moment and create good underdog stories. The downside is that they remove great teams from the tournament and you have too many surviving teams that are not quite ready for prime time that end up playing in prime time games. The final 10 seconds was good stuff; the 39 minutes preceding it might well have been the absolute worst-played, most gawdawful display of poorly executed basketball in the history of the Final Four.
  6. His rebound control is preternatural. Also noticed what you did about how much ground he can cover laterally in the blink of an eye. Also gets down and up really, really fast without losing technique or vision. Did not expect to see him coming out into traffic to cut angles with no hesitation like that in the 3rd. Also really impressed with his ability to find the right lanes and see the puck in traffic. Stronger on his skates than you'd guess from his build (but they'll still need to start feeding him steak dinners immediately). Nice intangibles too. Clearly circulating ice water without having to resort to cheap tricks to stay calm and focused; sort of his natural state. Also clear that his teammates genuinely like him already. I cannot believe I just watched a 20yrd old kid one time and am already completely comfortable with him and Lukkonen platooning effectively next year. F*** Rochester; this child might never ride a bus again the rest of his life.
  7. For the last few months I've been sitting here chuckling at you guys acting like some 20yrold college kid is going to step into the league and suddenly be the missing piece for a long-moribund franchise. But damn, this boy really can play, can't he?
  8. It would be so bad, I would consider it a fireable offense
  9. Your WGR schtick is wearing rather thin on multiple people in this community.
  10. Yeah, after you've traded your first round pick for a guy that probably won't even draw a third.
  11. I'm not saying they shouldn't do it, just that its a ridiculous contention that they're going to win a SB because they added a WR to run routes behind a porous OLine
  12. You do understand that you could put Randy Moss and Calvin Johnson out there and it doesn't mean jack spit if your QB is getting swarmed before he even hits his drop?
  13. That kid is a treat to watch manage the floor.
  14. No way I am claiming custody of this joint. I'm just the janitor, dammit...
  15. With 28000 views and counting, "many people" have not stopped coming here. And at no point in my tenure as as the local janitor will twitter and IG nonsense ever merit a duplicate thread.
  16. Add the Chili Peppers and REM and that's probably the same list I'd have made
  17. Thank you for clarifying that you don't watch games, can only judge DT's on statistics and think that disrupting offenses is meaningless. I'll step out now.
  18. Jordan Phillips too. He played with one arm for a while but they eventually just pulled him
  19. But they're both near water. Buffalo reminds me a lot of Honolulu
  20. I'm hoping Bean is laying down smokescreens so that nobody trades in front of us to take an OT we like. I love the way Spencer plays the game but I think he needs protection on his flanks. A 6'7" Guard flies in the face of tradition but I'd love to teh see the Bills try it just to be able to keep him on the field.
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