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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Dogs are a game changer. I wouldn't have let any critters anywhere near me if she'd been with us. Golden Retrievers don't understand that the skunk does NOT want to play with them.
  2. A bit more info on Mike WIlliams: Two people close to Williams said his on-the-job accident was not initially thought to be life-threatening. He was hit in the head with a beam while doing electrical work on Aug. 21, a friend said, but his situation took a turn when his laceration became infected. Williams was hospitalized on Sept. 1 and eventually had to be induced him into a coma. Williams, 36, had been on life support this week after suffering complications from a workplace accident. He was taken off a ventilator Thursday evening but is surviving and remains responsive, according to Tierney Lyle, the mother of Williams’ 8-year-old daughter. Link to WIVB article
  3. Stupid question: If I sign up for YouTubeTV, and list my address as a P.O. Box somewhere with a Western New York zip code, can get network feeds from Buffalo and just pay my bills online?
  4. I was camped down in the Guadalupes this June where there are quite a few skunks, some of which have become pretty habituated to humans. After a couple days of getting comfortable with each other, we got to the point where I could be sitting around in the evening sipping a beer and one of them would walk under my camp chair and literally brush against my legs like a cat. I thought it was pretty cool but the Mrs was somewhat less impressed
  5. I learned that when you relocate them you should move them at least 5-10 miles away. If you don't, they can and will travel miles to find their way back to the spot they had already established.
  6. She's looking for privacy so you probably already ran her off. Look for raccoon scat (looks just like like smaller bear scat) while you're looking for her up there. In case she didn't bail, she hates light and noise so if you leave on some lights and/or plug in a radio up there for a few days that should encourage her to relocate. You could also put some male raccoon scent up there (they're predators to birthing females); you can find it online somewhere I'm sure. If you do end up having to handle her or little ones, get some wildlife or welders gloves. They can get a little tetchy when you grab them.
  7. Double check your soffit around the roof for holes. This time of year, single female raccoons look for places to create nests to have litters and that's a popular option. I had one chew a hole in our soffit a few years ago and have a litter in our crawlspace before I even realized she was in there. I had to trap her near the soffit hole and then shimmy up in the crawlspace and pull out 6 babies by hand and stuff them in a pillowcase to bring down so we could relocate the whole brood out deep in the woods.
  8. He also declined a defensive holding call that would have given the Lions an automatic first down and instead opted for an extra 2 yrds of field position.
  9. Haven't heard or seen anything about it. If you turn off your TV's and quit listening to talking screaming heads on the 'net, you too can enjoy the blissful sound of silence.
  10. I'm not going to argue the point that they haven't drafted as well as their rivals recently, because they haven't. But last year they absolutely did endure what might be the most difficult and trying season that any NFL team has ever had to deal with.
  11. From CBS: Williams, 36, had been working in Hillsborough County when he was injured last week, according to the mother of his 8-year-old daughter, Tierney Lyle. The former NFL player was mostly nonresponsive when visited Wednesday afternoon, and while the plan is reportedly for Williams to be removed from life support in the ICU, that has yet to occur. "They were waiting on me and Tierney ," Lyle said. "We're here and still trying to figure it out. "He was asleep when we went in there and he woke up when he heard our voices and his daughter's voice. And he looked around, and he blinked and he was crying, but he can't move."
  12. I am the world's straightest straight man
  13. ground up and in my freezer...
  14. If it takes you more than 10 seconds to find the only button that can be used to edit your post, you're getting homework tonight! Please stop responding to him twice; it only makes the problem worse.
  15. Please stop responding to him; it only makes the problem worse. 🤙
  16. Your title was barely legible gibberish (sort of like your sentence I'm quoting) and I was hoping you would fix it so folks would know what the thread was about.
  17. Quit posting your lies! We were told that "Literally every single person in the country agrees Mahomes and then Burrow except for posters on here"
  18. It's so awful here and I'm so terrible at moderating that you have over 7000 posts in 5 years. Which is three times as many as his "nonstop spam". Nobody is forcing you to be here. If you hate it so much, there is a simple solution...
  19. So you're suggesting that a full 50% of the posts on this forum are responses to him? That's a type of math with which I am not familiar. Is there a good reason you repeatedly enter threads and call for other people to be banned? Is there a good reason you can't just put him on ignore instead of becoming part of the problem? Do you want me to ban everybody that doesn't agree with you or holds an unpopular opinion? Should I just start banning people you don't like? Do you know that particular poster has started exactly one thread in the last 12 months? Do you know that poster has half as many warning points as you? This board thrives because of its variety of opinions, not because it's a cheerleading forum.
  20. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A better title will help the community find information faster and make your topic more likely to be read. The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  21. I asked you for links to back up your claim. You're currently logged in and spamming multiple threads so I know you can see this. I expect to see these links shortly. Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm kidding. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/ignore/?id=31667&csrfKey=919dd3402a2bca83d19dde81749ec5d2
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