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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm still not sure I have a grasp on what this "multiview" is. Is it 4 games on the screen at once?
  2. Can you easily switch back and forth between various games/channels without having to go into unwieldy menus? Can you set it up like DTV where you only had 3-4 channels active that you could easily scroll through with one button?
  3. Hourly graph from near the Meadowlands in Jersey Looks like a dry evening with minimal wind
  4. It's certainly possible. But I think they might have just got steamrolled by the most complete team in the NFL.
  5. I wouldn't put too much stock in his rookie year when he was stuck behind one of the worst OLines in the NFL. He had some of that IT in college and I wouldn't be surprised to see it come out eventually if they can eventually give him some room to operate.
  6. Maybe. Even probably. But the folks who have been ragging on Purdy for the last year, even though he clearly had total command of that offense the very second he stepped on the field, are just fun to pick on.
  7. I think he'll end up all right if they can put a decent OLine in front of him.
  8. NFL defenses will shut down Brock Purdy as soon as they have some more film on him.
  9. I'm a little surprised they're releasing that info. If he has access to media, knowing what they know could give him a bit of an edge. I wish one of these guys would be bust out that we could actually root for. Unfortunately, guys you can root for don't typically end up in lockdown. At this point all I can hope for is that the little weasel doesn't hurt anybody out of desperation.
  10. With that big fat reward out there, I think I'd be avoiding populated areas like the plague, especially after the first couple days. I'd guess that the key to pulling something like that off would be to put as much distance between me and that prison as I could in the first 36-48 hrs.
  11. I'd say that the fact he's still in the area means he blew it already
  12. I was actually nervous for him on that offensive third down, when the Chiefs stacked the line and his OC then dove right into it. Those kinds of change of possession mistakes tends to stick out when hiring and firing time rolls around.
  13. Thanks Bolo, Not picking up Sunday Ticket for the first time in 20+ years, I'm going to really appreciate this all season. 🤙
  14. Phat Pat may be my favorite Bill of all time but don't forget Kyle Williams first preseason when they had him out there against future insurance salesmen and he was just wrecking everything in sight. It was so ridiculous that I convinced myself it was my imagination and didn't believe it was for real until he started embarrassing NFL Guards a few weeks later. Sorry to hear you'll be inconvenienced
  15. No, they had picked up 7 (to the TE that had been held at the LOS) and it was 2nd/3. He declined the 5yrd penalty that would have made it 1st/10 and took the 2yrds instead to make it 2nd/3. They ended up running the ball twice and picking up the first down by about 6". If they'd have been short, that decision might have cost them possession.
  16. They were actually very calm, didn't smell at all, weren't destructive and were comfortable as long as I was comfortable. They didn't travel as a group though, always coming and going one at a time. Another few days and I'd have probably started naming them.
  17. They're fun to play. Watching with no control over the outcome can be ....... not fun.
  18. Since we don't need a new thread every time some needy knucklehead says something to draw attention to themselves, I'm just creating this thread to have a place to drop them.
  19. Probably, considering that he didn't end up in the hospital until a week later. Agreed on the confusion. The reports are not necessarily contradictory, but they just don't seem to mesh into a coherent narrative. Can't do much but hope for the best at this point.
  20. Apparently this was written by his father on the GoFundMe page they created: A steel beam falling on his head caused massive injuries but he never gained consciousness. After suffering a “massive” head injury, he also had massive swelling on his brain and would be paralyzed. “As a result of this accident, there was swelling on his brain and swelling on his spinal cord that was ruptured,” Williams’ father said. “These injuries resulted in complete paralysis in his right arm as well as his lower body from the waist down.
  21. No idea. I've never heard of paralysis in the lower extremities being the result of an infected head wound. I couldn't even begin to guess if that's possible.
  22. He's really got a knack for getting guys leaning the wrong way and then countering with his hands. I agree that veteran defenders are going to attempt to get physical with him, but I wouldn't be surprised to see those vets end up attacking air as often as not.
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