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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Probably but he's so busy repeatedly reposting redundant threads that his brain can't keep up with his mouth.
  2. I'm guessing all those questions will have to be answered, but that it's going to take a long-assed time.
  3. That's fair. I just have a hard time giving a guy too much hell for trying anything he possibly can to convert a third down.
  4. This should go well for you..... Do you want me to toss you now, or would you rather trash the thread with a bunch of idiotic socio-political commentary first?
  5. That was clearly the correct read and was instantly pointed out in the game thread 5 seconds after the pick
  6. Seems like he got hit in the head with a steel beam that laid him open. Then didn't treat it properly and nearly a week later it became infected and ended up with him in the hospital. May have been so bad that they induced a coma and had him on life support. Removed him from life support about 4 days ago and he was breathing on his own. Mush of this is inferred from incomplete reports but it's about all I've got.
  7. Hang in there and don't let other people's business drag down yours
  8. He's also not going to just lay down on 3rd down either. Nor should he. The mistake occurred well before the last ditch hurdle, imo.
  9. The mistake wasn't trying to hurdle people, it was not getting the ball out in the first place. Once he crossed the LOS, he's going to do anything he possibly can to try and convert a key 3rd down. Just as he should.
  10. Of those 22 at least 5-6 of them were Allen taking off, so they actually probably only called up about 16 run plays in a game they led all night. Might have been a good night to protect Josh from himself.
  11. He absolutely 100% had to maintain outside contain on that big run. That puts him at a huge disadvantage as far as coming in to make a tackle. He cannot commit himself fully to attacking the ballcarrier because his primary (and only real) responsibility is to force that player inside.
  12. Regardless of reports, the video of his calf rolling up into a ball is exactly what happens when an Achilles goes. He's done for the year and is going to have a very tough time coming back from that at his age.
  13. If you're just considering what the defense gave up, I'd even drop that to 13 considering Allen dropped that snap on his own 20.
  14. McDermott already fired Whaley after he got him the job.
  15. We were all wondering what you did last night. Thank you for starting a thread about it.
  16. I would suggest that you're not the one that doesn't get it.
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