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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Whaddya got? Here's my guess: Twofold problem right now 1) He hasn't started trusting his OLine yet after last year's debacle and it's affecting is ability to process and see the field and 2) He loves to challenge himself to make amazing plays, because it's fun It doesn't make him stupid, selfish or scared because he's none of those things, but it does make him a turnover prone QB and he knows that has to change. So he decides to make the change. Eventually I think he will do so successfully but these next few weeks are going to be hard. Every time he drops back he's going to have his own voice in his head telling him "No, don't bail yet", "No, don't try that throw", "No, don't take that guy on for an extra yard" and that is going to be very distracting and make it very hard for him to find the Zone. During this time he'll likely do a better job of protecting the ball, but it's probably going to come at the price of making him a less efficient QB. If he sticks with it and stays patient, eventually that voice will go away, he'll get out of his own head and the decision-making process will become more organic and less forced. At that point he'll start being able to get back in the Zone and then we'll see him spreading the ball around and cutting people up the way we know he can. When this happens, woe to anybody who thinks they can still run man schemes against the Bills offense. Stay focused and patient young buck, you'll find that place again....
  2. We joke about arm arrogance, but that's sort of what it comes down to.
  3. Multiple professionals disagree with that assessment and believe Kincaid for the first down is the right option. In real time, I thought Diggs' drag was the right read. Both were better options than trying to squeeze that thing into that coverage
  4. You guys might be watching different plays. They didn't get caught in any stunts up front and Hyde is 10yrds off the ball
  5. Step 1: Have Frank Sinatra playing up in the booth at all times so that when Dorsey's calling down plays, Josh can hear Pennies from Heaven in the background.
  6. Sorry but that is an absolutely gawdawful comparison, imo.
  7. In the second half he went from maniac to bumbling buffoon. My initial take was that he looked like he had suddenly been possessed by JP Losman. It was really, really bad. Props to your wife's prescience...
  8. If you take the time to read the thread instead of making smarmy comments, you might learn more about it.
  9. I liked when they ran him to the edges; it definitely created issues for the Jets front. I liked it less when he opted to take it outside instead of working the play design. I understand he's not built for contact, but I prefer my backs to do a bit less cutting the rug and a bit more running to the goalline.
  10. I would guess that it's because you don't watch any other team so consistently? I'd guess that just about every defense gives up one really long run every year.
  11. One of their OTs tried to cut Groot on the first series. It did slow him down for about .7 seconds, which was probably about as good as they did against him while Rodgers was in.
  12. You left out Knox's little brother, Dawkin's lady, Morse's concussion, and a slew of injuries.
  13. I can actually see his thumb bend backwards when it hits the ball. Doesn't really matter, though. Good coverage, incredible concentration and reflexes from Wilson on a rather fortunate bounce.
  14. I think the whole Front 7 should have been a gap to their left
  15. Yeah, in particular Rousseau was immediately all up in people's ***** right off the snap in that first series.
  16. I'm pretty sure he got his left hand on it initially while he was dragging Wilson down with his right.
  17. Don't recall any audibling out of Wilson. I'd guess it was something the Jets run frequently, thought it gave them an advantage against an undersized Bills Front 7 and happened to call it up at the exact right time.
  18. Of course they do occasionally; if you're runplay is called to the specific gap that is poorly covered and oth your LB and S misplay it also, then we could end up wiht an 83 yrd run.
  19. I saw it and am aware of what happened. I also know that if he called a timeout every time something like that happened, he'd be out of them in about a quarter.
  20. My guess is that this one falls on Bernard, who possibly didn't recognize the overload and didn't get them to slide up front. And who also buried himself inside where Rousseau was being buried by a double and left Tre White isolated outside with contain responsibility.
  21. You want him to call a defensive timeout every time he sees something he doesn't like?
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