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Everything posted by Simon

  1. If anybody has any good tailgate stories or observations, drop 'em here. Those of us who'd have loved to have been there but couldn't make it would enjoy and appreciate.
  2. I may be an ass, but I'm an honest ass...
  3. I don't disagree with any of this but I'd suggest that the reason that Lawson's snap count was so high was that the Bills called off the dogs midway through the 4th qrtr and as a result Shaq was on the field for the rest of the game at that point.
  4. I actually haven't had a beer in 2-3 weeks.
  5. Agreed that D Adams should not have been on the field at that point. But Taylor Rapp needs to learn to hold his water. I get that he doesn't get a lot of snaps and wants to do something with the ones he does get, but you need to be game aware and respect other people no matter what jersey they're wearing. That game was for all intents and purposes over at that point and there is no need to be out there trying to murder people when you're just running out the clock. Who gives a damn if he catches that ball at that point, it's not going to affect the game one way or the other; just give him a tap on the hat on the way by to ensure he's down by contact and move on to the next play. Going for killshots like that can literally mess with people's lives, and there's no need for it at that point in a game that is all but over. I hope Rapp gives Adams a call this week, checks up on him and apologizes for getting caught up in the moment.
  6. If it was only a joke about his reputation for being a dipspit redneck, then I agree it would have been too much of a stretch and I would have left it laying by the side of the road. But when you combine it with the old trope that white receivers are slower than black receivers (i.e. you have to be careful not to overthrow them), it becomes a double envelopment attack and worth adding, imo. The fact that it is next to last in voting suggests you might be right, although I'm not sure whether that's because we've become too oversensitive to cracking jokes about our respective races or whether it's actually just a ***** joke. 🤷‍♂️
  7. I hope that young man picked up a lasting lesson about running to the goalline today.
  8. I sort of like Tua and won't ***** with him
  9. Yeah, because he's developed a rep for dropping n-bombs on the field and because crackers are slower than brothers. It's a joke, get it?
  10. I always thought it was bizarre theatre when they did that. Wonder if they won't do it any more going forward?
  11. Mac's deep ball looks like me throwing a tennis ball to my dog
  12. Why? Do you think teams are going to start sitting on it? With that cannon standing back there? I kind of hope they do...
  13. Yeah, I thought Groot saved him with a great play on another one today where he was having trouble getting everybody home before the snap.
  14. I thought he played much better than some people were giving him credit for. A couple mental mistakes that are not unusual for a young guy in his first start but he led the team in both solo and total tackles and looked comfortable and aware in coverage.
  15. Yeah, in real time I thought the design was to get it to Harty out on the swing but when he fell down it became a broken play and forced Allen into his only bad decision on the day. He wouldn't have walked in as he still had a man to beat, but it would likely have been 6. A little frustrating that it's not the first time that he's looked like McKenzie...
  16. If you're referring to Hall being caught from behind on his 80yrd carry, that was Benford that ran him down, not Bernard. A bunch of people mixed them up because the names are so close and they both have #s in the 40's (and they're almost the same size )
  17. His balance, discipline and self-control there were extraordinary.
  18. Yeah, he played well. But he also got plenty of help from Torrence, Gilliam, Allen, Dorsey, etc.
  19. He was fine today, but let's not pretend that he wasn't getting plenty of help by design. Because he was.
  20. Yeah, he can play and will see field time all year. But he owes Davante Adams an apology.
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