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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You know you dipsticks are only making him stronger. In 10 years, he's going to curbstomp both of you.
  2. This is true as I am sort of in the same boat. I recognize the potential and think it's going to be for realz this time, but I am not buying in until I see it on the ice. fwiw, yesterday I just convinced DTV to cut my bill nearly in half or I was cancelling because they lost Sunday Ticket. The only reason I even considered keeping it was because it's the only place I can get Sabres games down here in Western Pennsyltucky.
  3. Do you have a microphone in my kitchen?
  4. fwiw: Despite some misgivings about potential reactions to an unpopular mod, I had actually planned to come up this year and put some faces to some names. About a week beforehand I told my wife I was planning on heading up next Sunday and her response was "You know that's my birthday, right?"
  5. And somehow he actually made it a safe throw. Can you imagine being that DT? You're about to absolutely crush a QB who just inadvertently walked right into your rush and 1/10th of a second later the ball whizzes by your ear for a TD.
  6. Have you gone outside your mind? This is why we can't have nice things.
  7. Yep. That's why I dropped the "Sort of" in there.
  8. Agreed; it takes years of improper training.
  9. Alcohol is the only one that produces a hangover. The rest might have you feeling tired the next day just because you were up all night, but no dehydration, headache, nausea, etc.
  10. If you substitute mushrooms for LSD, I hit that same quadfecta the morning of the Bills first Super Bowl.
  11. [This is an automated response] The topic title is potentially misleading. Accurate titles help the community find topics relevant to their interests and avoids reader frustration. Please change the topic title to more accurately reflect content of the original post.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  12. The NFL now has a "goaltending" rule where you're no longer allowed to block a kick as it passes over the crossbar
  13. They also initially called it a good catch despite the fact that I don't think he got either foot down inbounds. If your looking for clarity re: what calls are coming from where, I would suggest not holding your breath while doing so.
  14. Mac Jones looks like a golfer with a bag full of 8 irons
  15. Galdangit, there goes my rusty gate joke.
  16. I'm guessing they just continued with their RB rotation. Or maybe limiting wear and tear on the older more physical runners that they'll need down the road? Or maybe rewarding Cook for responding to good coaching this week (Hey James, quit dicking around and get N/S)? Whatever the case, it might provide some insight to how they view any pecking order (i.e. there is none)
  17. I was hoping they'd let him chuck a couple
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