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Everything posted by Simon

  1. So I've got a thing..... Back in January I developed a sinus infection (no real history of it) that for some reason filled my eustachian tubes so fully that I've lost about 80% of my hearing for going on 10 months now. I've tried multiple cycles of a variety of antibiotics, flonase, sinus flushes, etc etc etc. Am currently on clindamycin and levocetirizine with no positive results yet (still with daily flushes and flonase). Had tubes put in and ears drained but it only worked for about 2 days before it filled back up again. The infection comes and goes but even when it's not presenting yellow snot, the drainage never really clears up and my hearing remains severely compromised. Ever see anything like this or have any suggestions? Edit: The first knucklehead that says vaccine is getting kicked in the jimmy.
  2. I agree with this but don't love the Lamar comparison. Tua could take 12 concussions this weekend and still have 10x the processing power of Jackson.
  3. F*** off, Tommy ! - ) There is usually a thread, although the game is not as woven into our cultural fabric on this side of the pond (i.e it's the only time of the year I will actually watch golf). I'm guessing no thread surfaced because this version of it was over in about 20 minutes. It's a shame because when things are tight on Sunday, the tension and drama are absolutely outstanding.
  4. The proper terminology is "experienced". I am experienced enough that I already sent the ol' battle axe upstairs to fluff my pillow
  5. The kid has 3 NFL starts and is playing in his first primetime game. The chances of him looking good out of the gate tonight fell somewhere between slim and none.
  6. Yeah, they definitely have some potential for quality entertainment
  7. Limeaid has informed me he wants a shot at the title.
  8. Probably. But this early it's still a genuinely meaningful game to both teams and fanbases.
  9. Probably both. Give it some time though; these two are likely playing for a division title so things might heat up.
  10. lol..... I sent the following to the GM of Erie's CBS affiliate earlier today: Looking at your programming schedule, I was very relieved to see the following as it is inarguably the best NFL game on this weekend's schedule with significant local interest. 2023-2024 NFL Football on WSEE/CBS and WICU/NBC Week 4 - Sunday, Oct. 1 at 1 p.m. - Miami at Buffalo - WSEE/CBS But then when I look at your programming schedule I see that you have opted to switch to an absolutely gawdawful game involving Pittsburgh and the painfully unwatchable Houston Texans, neither of which are even in your broadcast area and which clearly goes directly against your stated policy: The local station has little say in what is aired nationally with some rare exceptions. Erie is in the Buffalo market and those games will come first here regardless of team record or state location when circumstance dictates. How you folks can choose to broadcast an awful out of market game instead of the best game of the week which involves the team that is actually in your market is totally baffling. I understand the difficulties your network(s) must face competing with the variety of current technology, but doing this sort of a disservice to your viewers cannot possibly help your position in any way, not to mention it almost certainly will bring a smaller share of viewers to your advertisers. I sincerely hope that before Sunday comes around you opt to go back to your original programming decision and provide your viewers with the best product available that the greatest number of people are likely to want to watch. If you choose not to do that, could you please take a brief moment to respond to this request with the suggestion of who I might contact that has the influence to alter this decision, whether that be someone in advertising, programming, etc? Thank you for your consideration, ******** *******
  11. Not necessarily. The trips leaves Diggs with only one guy to beat. I'll take those odds on most snaps.
  12. His cutting him some slack has ZERO to do with his opinion; it was entirely about the clear, documented history of both players. Which he told you. And you proceeded to ignore so you could rag on him with your own spin. The last word is yours; I'm done clogging up a great thread with your self-aggrandizing bull####.
  13. Give it a minute..... I guess I'm sort of going on priorities, i.e. if you can't protect your QB, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference who he's throwing to.
  14. What a load of bunk. This guy does everybody in this community an awesome favor by taking the time to do this and all you can do is rag on him because his detailed study doesn't match up with your own biases. Maybe either take the time to do your own study or keep your fact-free carping to yourself. Thank you Bocephuz; 99% of us appreciate what you're doing here.
  15. Not disbelieving you but I'm having a hard time buying that because it was probably at least twice that number last week, and I specifically saw multiple instances of LMurray on the LOS engaging the Washington DE while Spencer was setting up in pass pro. Although I do admit to being preoccupied Sunday and being tuned out of the game during long stretches so you could be correct.
  16. And it's the only city close enough that I can snag networks via a long distance antenna. Real lifters can type with their noses.
  17. Probably some places you could get away with it but at this level I think these co-ordinators would munch your lunch real quick.
  18. I wasn't being clear I guess. I was also saying (or trying to) that pulling a defender from somewhere to run a box and 1 (a tent and 1?) is probably going to compromise your defense.
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